Thursday, February 08, 2018

Thu - Feb 8/18

The warmer weather is a result of winds coming in off the Gulf of Mexico.

This means moisture! Although it will be around 80 F today it will also be a week of 30% showers and morning fog.

Being this is Thursday the "Do Not Enter" sign is up on the Lodge door because of Yoga. Early Wi-Fi users are coming to the MPR (next door to the Lodge) to connect. Thankfully there are fewer quilters on Thursday. Phyllis is showing Jean and Charlotte her latest project. They all do fine work.

Martha (left foreground), who is everybody's "Go To" girl for advice, came in with her latest creation. Neat!

Charlotte is working away trying to get her quilt finished on time for bringing to "Sew What?" tomorrow for her 10 a.m. appointment. Here she will rent a  Long Arm Quilting Machine. She will join the quilt, the quilt batting and the backing together using a freestyle design.

Sue brought in a (free) photocopied (courteous of the OMS office) pattern of a "Mother/Daughter Tote w/10 Pockets" for everyone. All the ladies joined in on teasing Martha. "We (they) expect her to have it done by tomorrow morning to show as an example.(grin) This is a fun group of ladies.

Today is CANADA DAY! (at OMS). It starts at 12:30 p.m. Snowbirds can organize a day for their State. This is when residents from that state get together in the Rec Hall and celebrate - usually a Potluck. Canadians, rather than by province, do it as a group and will have it catered. This year, "Old Crow BBQ", located just a bit down SR-19 from the park, will have the honours. Yummy! Eats without the work!

Charlotte managed to finish her quilt prep and we left the MPR, earlier than usual, so we could "Dress Canadian" (anything with red or white) and get to the Rec Hall on time.

When I bought the tickets for the event we were told we had to "Pin" the location of where we lived on a map and say a few words. That may have been an error on their part. My original "Prepared Statement" on Long Sault took 20 minutes to read. Several tries later I had it down to a 5 minutes. Then I forgot the printout at the motorhome. By the end it was an "Ad Lib" that lasted a few minutes.

As folks arrived they were "Piped In" to the Rec Hall. A neat touch, for sure.

OH! Canada, EH!

We signed in at the door where we picked up "Canada" items (pins, etc.) and put our name on a "Sticky" badge. We then marked our home on maps of both Canada and the Provinces.

The tables were well decorated. The ceremonies opened with a video showing scenes from coast to coast accompanied with the National Anthem. All rose to sing "O Canada". We were told Canada recently was designated the 2nd best country in the world to live in. (Norway was rated #1). As #2 we will just have to try harder, EH!(grin)

The "Old Crow" lunch was very good. Tables went in order (from the back) to pick up the food. I did not hear any complaints.

There was a good turn-out for this event. About 25% of the park at this time are from Canada. We sat with Stu, Gladys (London, ON) and Marj (Rockport, ON).

Our tickets for the event were drawn for prizes. Stu won a "Canada Club" (aged 9 years) - bet it won't last another 9 (grin).

We were back at the motorhome just before 3 p.m. This was good news for Charlotte - just on time for Dr. Phil. As we were watching we could feel the temp drop. It went from 82 F to 70 F in about an hour and the sun disappeared. Although it looked threatening it did not rain.

Charlotte will get all ready for tomorrow's quilting session later today. Since we have no other plans for the day other than watching TV I will publish the blog early.

Hey! "It's 5 o'clock somewhere. Better still, it's 5 o'clock here (grin)...and I don't even drink. Oh well! Cherry Coke Zero will have to do!

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