Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sun - Feb 18/18

Got up early to publish the blog as I had lost the Wi-Fi connection just as I was about to do that last night. I got it done and went back to watching CBS Sunday Morning in bed as is our usual Sunday morning practice.

In the News:

Trump shamefully used the Florida school "Valentine's Day Massacre" to blast the FBI and once again to claim "No Collusion" with the Russians.

Students from the school today voiced their opinions on CBS Sunday Morning. They are planning a mass student protest by Marching in March (on Washington, DC). I wish them success. They are the next generation. Hopefully, they will not lose their "Common Sense" and concern for all when they become the next politicians.

Politicians get votes from the poor using funds from the rich while promising both protection from each other. In doing so they use the art of compromise: i.e. "If you stop telling lies about me I will stop telling the truth about you!" Although seemingly funny, it is really not a laughing matter.

Not News:

The heavy dew in the morning means it is cloudy until almost noon. The warmth (mid-80's F) from the sun burns off the moisture in the air and it becomes dry with no chance of rain during the day.

No initial plans for the day except our 5:30 seating time for the annual Spaghetti Supper that supports the Umatilla Volunteer Fire Department. This event raises several thousand dollars every year. The money is used to buy needed items for the unit.

Mid-morning Stu sent a picture from last night's show in the Rec Hall. We (Stu and I) took the picture. Stu took the initial picture then I used his camera to take a second picture from the same (as close as possible) location. Stu, skillfully using Photo Shop (a software program), joined the two photos together so we all appeared in the same picture. Neat! Definitely "Cut and Paste".

We decided to relax with a TV afternoon until it was time for Spaghetti.

Well, that didn't last long! I was putting the new wiper blades together getting them prepared for installation on the motorhome. The first unit went together fine. The second unit was missing the correct connecting bolt. This meant a trip back to Camping World.

At Camping World they sold the remaining 28" unit that was left yesterday; however they did have 26" sets that are identical except for wiper length. I took one of these to the front and told them I was taking the piece (connector w/red washer and nut) I needed out of that package and adding it to my original purchase which I would keep. This totally flustered the two ladies at the cash. I gave them no choice and left with my old unit; receipt and the missing parts that I extracted from the 26" set.

At least the day was lovely for the trip. During daylight drives in this direction I take CR-450 from Umatilla to CR-42 to US-27 to Camping World. Reverse the process going back. The bonus is that CR-450 is the least used of the three main roads that connect to CR-42 from Umatilla. With no cars behind us (in both directions) for the entire time we were on this section we were able to go slower than the speed limit and enjoy the drive.

Back at the motorhome we watched the Daytona 500 on TV until it was time to go for supper. I had time to assemble the last wiper blade unit before departing for our 5 - 5:30 p.m. Spaghetti Supper sitting.

The hall was packed.

There were plenty of volunteers from both OMS and the Umatilla Fire Department to serve. The food was good as was the company at our table. Several hundred will be served before the event is over later this evening.

We returned to the motorhome for dessert. Charlotte made strawberries w/whipped cream which we enjoyed while watching the end of the Daytona 500. After a few multi-car pileups including one at the end of the race, Austin Dillon came out on top. This is a BT - DT. (Been There - Done That) for us. A race at Daytona is an awesome experience that everyone should do at least once. A tour of the facility is also highly recommended; however now we prefer TV viewing over the post-race chaos of trying to get to the car and then depart the scene.

We got a phone call about 7:30 p.m. Our ticket in the 50-50 draw was a winner. Charlotte and I decided to donate it back to the Fire Department. They actually had made an emergency call to the park earlier today.  It was our way of saying "Thanks" for all they do.

Nothing else planned except a TV evening.

I couldn't get on to Stu's Wi-Fi this evening; however I had a good connection on my cell phone and was able to use it as a "Hot Spot" and proceeded to publish the blog.

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