Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Mon - Feb 5/18

Note: If the blog is not out in the evening that means we were home too late for Wi-Fi. It will be up the next day.

Thanks to Stu, an RV neighbour half way down our row, I am able to once again do the blog from the motorhome. Stu came over last night and offered to let me connect to his Wi-Fi router. He has local cable service as he is a “6 x 6” renter. Regulations by the local community (Umatilla, FL) do not allow snowbirds to stay more than 6 months in any given year. This, from what I have been told, was put in place so RV parks would not end up being dilapidated sites for “trailer trash”. Technically, all units must be able to be removed from the park with only a three hour notice. Actually, locals (I assumed registered as tax payers) may stay all year. I think there are less than two dozen year round residents.

Today is “Super Sick Monday”. More than 14 million are expected to “call in sick” as a result of their “staying up late” watching the Super Bowl. This is actually code for too much partying (grin)

Today Charlotte decided to remain in the motorhome to quilt. The Quillow still has a few seams left to be sewn. The “Summer Quilt” needs the backing measured and a border sewn on in preparation for Friday’s “Long Arm” (Quilting Machine) appointment at “Sew What?” in Umatilla.

It was also time to do a “Dump” of the Black Water (sewage) tank.  I have used the SewerSolution from day 1 and would recommend it to everyone.

Refer to my blog for Wed - Dec 27/17 for a complete description. Bet you’ll change!

Lunch today was easy. We just had to reheat the Spanish Rice leftovers. Why do things (like spaghetti sauce) taste better on the second day?

Charlotte discovered she did not have enough blue binding to finish working on the quilt. That, of course, meant a visit to JoAnn.

The first stop on the way was just across the road at the strip mall to refill our water containers with filtered water for cooking and K-cup use.

At JoAnn Charlotte spotted a "Special" in the outside display. She now has material for another quilt (or two). She also (almost) got what she needed. They were out of the binding in the exact shade. The one they had was so close it will be hard to notice the difference.

After getting what she needed I offered supper out. I suggested Red Lobster as Lobsterfest was now on. Charlotte's no fool - she accepted and off we went. It was only a few miles down US-441. This picture was taken from my Falcon Zero Dash Cam (picture option). We arrived just before 6 p.m.

We both are getting to the point of realizing that we can't eat everything if we each order a full meal. We are getting better at ordering a combo of items to share. Charlotte ordered a Lobster Roll.

I ordered the 4 Course Feast. As always it started with unlimited Cheddar Bay Biscuits. Each course had several options. Charlotte had the New England Clam Chowder to go with her Lobster Roll. I had the Caesar Salad with Shrimp Linguini Alfredo.

We decided to share an "Upgrade" to the dessert choice. We chose Warm Apple Crostada. This is a mini-apple pie made with a heirloom apples. It is served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Both area drizzled with caramel. 

Bonus: We were now stuffed; but had no leftovers.

On the way back we stopped at Publix to pick up a few items as well as check out lottery tickets (no luck, as usual). 

We next crossed to Walgreens fot items Publix didn't have that we wanted. This picture is taken from the Dash Cam video.

I bought a transponder for the Florida toll roads. I decided on the portable transponder as it can be moved from vehicle to vehicle. This will make life easier. Some of the exits are unmanned and require exact change. Now we won't have to worry.

Five minutes we were back at the motorhome and the purchases were unloaded. As I was pulling down the "Day/Night" shades the one at the kitchen table went all "Wonky" as I tried to lower it for the evening. I had no idea why? It usually only messes up if a cord breaks. All the cords were OK.

I then had to loosen the corner coverings on each end so I could pull out the blind to inspect it. I finally discovered the cause. An end cap was missing and the top plastic curtain section had slid several inches out of the aluminum holder that is used to raise and lower the night shade section.

Watching "Scorpion" on TV this evening must have been an influence. I "Scorpioned" (formely known as "MacGyvered") a solution (grin). I cut a corner out of a plastic (meat) container so the plastic would have pre-made (corner) strength. I cut a hole and inserted a bulldog clip on which I bent one of the arms at a right angle to add support to the plastic. Hopefully this will keep the plastic part from sliding out again.

It is now nearly midnight. I will put the blind and end valances in place tomorrow morning.

I will also complete today's blog tomorrow (which I just did).

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