Friday, February 02, 2018

Fri - Feb 2/18

Last night I wasn't able to publish the blog completely. The computer's Wi-Fi refused to work. I was able to get on the Wi-Fi using my iPhone. I couldn't finish; but I did manage to publish the blog portion that I had prepared that morning. I managed to get the Wi-Fi on the computer working again last night when I got back to the motorhome (after an hour).

This morning I told Charlotte to rest and watch TV in bed as I was going to the MPR to finish yesterday's blog. There is Wi-Fi available in 3 Hot Spots in the park; but the buildings are open only from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. I arrived at the MPR a little after 8 a.m. and proceeded to see if the computer(s) would connect to the Wi-Fi. I brought both computers in case my regular one didn't connect.

Martha and Kathy Lee were already at the MPR discussing a sewing project.

I set up both computers in the far corner. There was "Good News" and there was "Bad News". The "Good News" was that I could connect to Wi-Fi. The "Bad News" was that there was a Microsoft Windows 10 Update that took a few hours to download and install. By the time I fixed up yesterday's blog, started today's and returned to the motorhome it was 1:30 p.m. 

We watched TV for the rest of the afternoon. I spent time trying to shorten my Canada Day ID talk. We are supposed to say who we are, pin our town on a map and tell a little bit about it. I'm down to 6 minutes - I had better make it shorter. 

Charlotte knitted will watching TV. The quilt is a "Slow-Go"; but it's getting there.

Nothing else planned for this evening so I came to do the blog early - just in case there was a problem with the computer Wi-Fi. All appears to be OK.

I will even get back tonight in time for Jeopardy.

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