Saturday, February 03, 2018

Sat - Feb 3/18

Today was the Craft Fair in Mt. Dora, FL. We decide to get up early (for a Saturday) and go a Sunday has rain in the forecast. We would follow the plan we have used for the last 5 years.

We always (are lucky enough) to get a parking spot in the First National Bank parking lot. The bank allows non-profit groups to use its parking lots to raise funds for their cause. Each year it is a different group. This year the money went to support a youth ball team. Almost every house along the streets near the downtown had parking spots for sale; however we prefer supporting a charitable group rather than an individual. This year the fee was $10.

We got the last open spot available at this time. There is always a continuous turnover of spots as folks come and go throughout the day. This is the best parking spot in town. It is right at the beginning of the displays on the main (Donnelly) street.

As usual the several downtown streets were packed with vendor's tents and wall-to-wall "tire-thumpers" (a car sales term for those who just come to look).

...and there was plenty to see for block after block.

The food carts were at the intersections where the streets of vendors crossed. Although there was a choice of almost every food cart offering the most popular item was the Arepa. Arepa is made of ground maize dough prominent in the cuisine of Colombia and Venezuela. It is similar in shape to the Mexican Gordita. We were first introduced to this delicacy by Diane and Alberto in our travels with them in Mexico. The dough is split then filled with various ingredients. The most popular choice today for the filling appeared to be cheese. It is almost like a version of a toasted cheese sandwich. Their golden colour makes you hungry just looking at it.

Many of the local restaurants, hidden behind the tents that lined both sided of the streets, used musicians to attract business. The "Sax" player at this eatery was excellent. As we listened several prospective clients at least went in to check the menu.

Other vendors used signs placed in the middle of the street to attract customers behind the never ending wall of white tents. Anyone need a gun?

Mt. Dora does a lot to accommodate senior visitors. The downtown streets have several park benches per block. There are also a number of park areas and public washrooms (that are kept spotless) as well as plenty of free parking. During the craft fair the usual free public parking is reserved strictly for the vendors. Many streets near the downtown have temporary "No Parking" signs. Visitors get to support the local economy at $10 a parking (mostly on the lawn) spot.

At every one of the Mt. Dora Craft Fair events that we have attended Charlotte has always bought a basket or two from the same vendor. Their work is always excellent, often unique and the price is reasonable. We now have to find a spot for two more.

As we were returning to the Del Sol for departure a gentleman from Ohio, George, noticed my Honda hat. He lives near the Honda Marysville, OH plant that has produced cars in the U.S. since 1982. Naturally, between car guys, the hat was enough to start a conversation. He showed me a picture of his early era Honda (a white beauty) which was an EX model. Ironically, that model, with disc brakes on all 4 wheels, was made in the Canadian Honda plant. The America plant models only had rear drum brakes for that year. We both agreed that "They don't make them like they used to!"

Our next stop was part of our Mt. Dora Craft Fair tradition. We went for lunch at PizzAmore! They used to be on the main drag (Donnelly) but moved to this location (722 E. 5th. Ave.) in Mt. Dora. They needed the extra room and parking (because their pizza is that good!) They are open daily 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. (Fri-Sat 'til 10).

We decided on a Extra Large "Greek Goddess" on a Thin Baked Crust because we wanted some to take home. It came with parmesan and feta cheese, red onions, bacon, artichokes, roasted red peppers and oregano pesto drizzle to which we added pepperoni and anchovies. If you don't want "Cardboard" pizza - come here - this pizza is extremely tasty and the thin baked crust makes it so easy to pick up and eat. I know what we will be having for supper as soon as my tummy has more room. (grin)

Charlotte's coffee (made fresh) with "Thick Cream" was so good she did something she rarely does - she had second cup!

The "Top Off" ride back to OMS (Olde Mill Stream RV Resort) was enjoyable even though it was not sunny. The Del Sol's design makes any day above 60 F an enjoyable ride with the top off as the wind doesn't whip in on your neck from behind like most convertibles.

We decided to skip the OMS "Pot Luck" in the Rec Hall tonight. Charlotte was knitting and watching TV when I departed for the MPR to use the Wi-Fi. I wanted to do the blog early and get back in time for Jeopardy.

With the Super Bowl tomorrow and the forecast predicting rain don't be surprised if there is no Sunday blog.

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