Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sat - Feb 10/18

We were up and out by 9 a.m. The annual 2-Day Craft Sale in The Villages was starting at 10 a.m. this morning at Lake Sumter Landing. This is always a great event with hundreds of top rate booths.  We wanted to get there before the heat of the day set in. We wore our "Aussie Bush Hats" to help keep us cool ..not that kind of 'cool'.(grin)

I found a spot in the Cody's Original Roadhouse parking lot on the waterfront near the main square. All of the regular parking around the square was already full.

All we had to do was pass the restaurant, cross the bridge and we were at the beginning of the fair.

It only took Charlotte a few booths before she found an item with "...her name on it." She will add it to her collection of "Crazy Cat" pictures.

We ordered another custom made personalized cartoon from the same artist (Jon Jahraus) that we purchased from last year. He is always "lined up" busy. Jon collects information about the recipient and incorporates that into the cartoon. Our "Add-in" choices for the "Snowboarder" were: "Martin"(our grandson), "Burton" (his snowboard brand), "Whiteface Mountain" (where he "boards"), and a "Camo(flage)" jacket. We also purchased a frame.

 This is how it will start. We needed to give a at least an hour to have it finished (with Pizzaz, Eh!).

Speaking of Pizzaz! (nice segue, eh?) that end we went to "RedSauce"for lunch. It is an Italian restaurant on the corner of the main square. On every previous visit there was at least a 20-30 minute wait. Today, possibly because most folks were at the fair, we were lucky and were seated immediately. We decided on eating inside rather than on the porch. We also wanted to keep up with our Aussie Hat image and be cool (grin). Inside, with A/C, that is.

I ordered a "Carne" Pizza which adds Italian Sausage, Pepperoni and Meatballs to the standard cheese and sauce. Being there was only one size and it was lunch time I thought it would be a small, personal sized pizza. Can you tell I was wrong? (grin)

Charlotte had a more difficult time ordering. There were so many unique salads to choose from. She finally settled on a "Kale Salad" w/fresh pear, dried cranberries, julienne carrot, radish and red onion with toasted walnuts and sherry vinaigrette. She loved it.

I had to pack half the pizza to take home.

We returned to pick up our picture by 1 p.m. It was ready.

As we walked back to the car to leave I could have "...sold the Pizza 3 times".(grin) I was asked everything from "How much a slice" to someone saying; "It's about time you got here, Pizza Man".

By the time we got back to the car it was so hot and humid we decided to leave the "Top On" so we could enjoy the A/C.(Again, with the "Cool" thing, Eh!) We took a zig-zag route back to the motorhome to avoid as much traffic as possible. Being a weekend there were dozens of motorcyclists in large "gangs" (I use that term loosely) as well as random small groups.

With the temps in the 80's F and high humidity we opted to turn on the A/C in the RV so we could be "Cool" (not again!). We watched TV until it was time to go to the Rec Hall for the park's Valentine's Day Dance. w/"Feels So Right".

"Feels So Right" has been in the music scene as a duo for around 12 years. They play a large variety of music aimed mostly at the over 50 crowd. This includes Country, 50's & 60's, Easy Listening, some Big Band and good old Rock and Roll.

As usual, I'm sure we will have a good time. I will pre-publish the blog as the Wi-Fi probably will not be available by the time the dance ends at 10 p.m..

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