Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Tue - Feb 6/18

A lovely sunny day with temps reaching 80 F and above.

This morning Charlotte worked on the final binding for the quilt she was working on. The hand stitching will take quite a while.

I reinstalled the Day/Night blind that I fixed last night. I think it will work (at least until it breaks again).

I then activated the SunPass Transponder.

It is portable via suction cups so I will attach it when needed. Being the Del Sol may often have it's top off I don't want it stolen. I can move it to the motorhome when needed.

We watched the Falcon Heavy blast off on TV. Delayed from 1:30 p.m. until almost 4 p.m. because of wind concerns. While not as powerful as the Saturn 5, it is the most powerful operational rocket in the world at this time. We have been fortunate enough to have seen all 3 remain Saturn 5's that were on display when we visited the Space Camp in Huntsville, AL, The Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX and the Kennedy Space Complex in Cape Canaveral, FL. Standing under this giant and looking up at their rocket motors sure brings their power into perspective.

The "Blast Off" was spectacular.

Even more impressive was the simultaneous safe landing of the boosters near the launch site minutes after they separated. Both of these boosters had launched and landed previously. This was just science fiction when I was a kid.

The cavernous carbon fiber fairing closes like a clam shell to form the bulbous nose of the Rocket.

Inside is Space X founder Elon Musks own personal midnight cherry Tesla Roadster (he also created Tesla) that is headed for mars orbit with "Starman" in the driver's seat. Notice the display (grin).

This is an Alfred E. Neuman "What - Me Worry?" moment (grin) - for all you Mad Magazine fans.

Charlotte finally finished the binding. Another neat quilt!

I'll publish the blog at this time. It will be the usual Jeopardy TV evening - almost anti-climactic after watching the blast off.

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