Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thu - Feb 15/18

Florida is totally fogged in this morning and it will take an extra hour to lift today. After that back to the 80's F and dry for a week.

Rant Time: All the news stations are giving details on the mass school shooting yesterday. 17 dead. Yet there is virtually nothing about stopping the sale of guns. Little comment from Trump. Maybe it has something to do with the 30 Million NRA contribution to his election campaign. This is news because there were 17 killed all at once. In the USA there is an average of 45-50 people murdered every day. I can't help believe that this would be less if guns were banned. End of Rant!

Today is Yoga in the Lodge so I went to the MPR with Charlotte. She is working on "Florence the Flamingo" today, A few men using Wi-Fi for a bit (until Yoga was over and the "Do Not Enter" sign on the door was removed). There were about 10 ladies sewing away today.

Amazon's "Free Shipping" (from CA) is out for delivery so it should be here later today. Their 5-7 day shipping has always arrived in 2. Great Service.

Charlotte managed to get "Florence" cut out. She took out her sewing machine and has started working on the clothes. We will also be going to JoAnn for one last "No Sew" quilt if we can find one that is suitable. I had to spend time getting my e-Mail working again.

On the way to JoAnn mid-afternoon I checked the Post Office. There was a "You Have Mail". We picked up the Amazon order at the office on the way out of the park.

The fog had lifted about 10 a.m. We enjoyed the convertible weather as we drove along Lakeshore Drive in Eustis, FL on the way to JoAnn where Charlotte picked up another pack of batting and another "No Sew" Quilt Kit.

We stopped at Winn-Dixie on the way back to OMS because Publix didn't have Smuckers "Goober" in stock. Goober is a mix of peanut butter and fruit.Yummy! We were able to pick up one of each type.

We also picked up our lottery tickets - no luck as usual.

Just another Jeopardy TV evening tonight after the sadness of the school shooting updates on the evening news. Hug your kids!

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