Monday, February 19, 2018

Mon - Feb 19/18

We both decided this was a good day to be lazy. Just checked e-Mails and watched TV all morning.

Stu sent great pictures of UFD Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser at the park yesterday.

The UFD volunteers were ready if a call came in (none did; but they came to OMS in the morning on an EMS call). We were surprised by the number of girls that are now volunteering for the UFD.

Lunch was the last of our Spaghetti that we made the other day. We would have finished it yesterday; but we didn't want Spaghetti twice in one day. Our version today was minus the salad, breadstick and meatballs. Ours was tastier; but of course, it always is on the 2nd (or 3rd) day.

Stu also sent us a picture (unknown origin) from the (just past) Canada Day celebration at the Rec Hall. Several folks were taking pictures with their iPads. No idea who took this one.

After lunch we went to the MPR to work on the last of the "No Sew" quilts that Charlotte is making to bring home as gifts. We went at this time as there is no planned activity in the room. This way we can put two of the tables together making it easier to work on the project. Two layers of "Polar Fleece" material are placed together, pinned and trimmed.

Then a 5 inch square is cut out of each corner. Now 5 inch slits are cut an inch apart all around the edge of the material. When this is done it is time to "tie up the loose ends."(literally).  Each slit (top and bottom) are then tied together (secure knots) to finish the quilt. All this took a little more than two hours with both of us working.

We returned the quilt and quilting tools to the motorhome then departed to Publix for our lottery tickets (no luck - as usual) and a jug of milk. We were back in the motorhome by 5 p.m.

Two additional scary  Florida (aka "The Gunshine State") facts from TV:
        - 49% of residents have a concealed weapon permit. (How many more illegal weapons? How many more "Long Guns"?)
       - over 98,000 "Hit and Runs" last year. (How many more weren't reported? This is why I bought a Dash Cam.)

We were still not very hungry after finishing the spaghetti for dinner. Supper was just munchies as we watched Jeopardy. Charlotte made "PCP Ritz". Sounds like a "Druggies Dream". Actually, it is P(epperoni on) C(heddar chunks on) P(ickles - Hamburger Dill slices on) Ritz.(grin) Yummy!

Just a TV evening to wrap up the day.

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