Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tue - Feb 13/18

Totally overcast and humid with mid-80's F today.

Charlotte finished the binding on the "Summer Quilt" and is continuing the knitted quilt while watching TV. No specific plans for today. We just decided to relax no matter how hard this will be (grin).

I ordered a Digital Stream Converter through Amazon. One of our two units is getting erratic. It will lose a channel/channels. A channel will not "Convert" showing no signal while the identical unit for the back TV will show that channel perfectly. I tried another converter previously; but it would not perform certain tasks and I returned it. I was now able to find the same model as we currently have (only a few left in stock). This is an older model; however being identical to the ones we have means we will already know how to use it, we will have an extra remote and the erratic unit can at least possibly still be a backup. The Amazon "Free" shipping is scheduled for arrival by next week; but it always seems to arrive faster. We shall find out if this pattern continues.

We decided that we felt like "Italian" today. I proceeded to make spaghetti with a twist. I add the ground chuck already pre-cooked previously by Charlotte and I warmed up the slab of ribs we took home "Corky Bell's" to go with the meal. The "Spaghetti and Ribs" was great!

During the meal it began to "Rain Buckets". The heaviest rain lasted about 15 minutes followed by a like amount of light rain. 15 minutes after the rain ended all was dry as usual with a "Florida Rain". Then a half hour later it did it all again. By 4 p.m. it turned into almost a fog.

At 4 p.m. we made a trip to JoAnn for needed craft materials. Charlotte purchased pins for a use when doing her "Florence Flamingo" pattern, another Fleece Blanket Kit and two pieces of fabric for making a new set of "Bibs" to protect when I "Wear" my food. (grin)

When we arrived back at the motorhome at 6 p.m. the overcast day and rain had dropped the temp 20 F to the mid 60's. We made it back in time for the 6 o'clock news. This will just be the usual Jeopardy TV evening so I will publish the blog at this time.

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