Sunday, February 04, 2018

Sun - Feb 4/18

As usual for a Sunday morning, we stayed in bed watching CBS Sunday Morning. What wasn’t usual was that we stayed in bed and continued watching TV after it finished. We even skipped breakfast and went straight to lunch.

I made Zatarain's Spanish Rice. We usually make the Rice-a-Roni version. We decided to give this version a try as Zatarains originated in New Orleans and we have always enjoyed that style of cooking on our many visits. As usual I added twice the amount of diced tomatoes and put in a little less water. I also added the fried ground chuck and sweet onions Charlotte prepared a few days ago. This makes enough for at least three meals. It was yummy.

Rain started dripping in at about 12:30 p.m. The wind is quite brisk already. Heavy rain is expected from 4 – 5 p.m. I went to the MPR to do the blog between the light showers around 3:00 p.m. and before the heavy rain. Charlotte stayed to watch a movie and knit.

This is Super Bowl Sunday. I’m picking for the underdog Eagles. Chips and dip while watching the game.

Nothing else for today!

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