Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tue - 31 Jan/17

Low last night in the 30's F. The Cold Spell is over! Today will be returning to normal reaching low 70's F with sunshine. No rain for a week at least and temps will raise to the high 70's F. Tonight it will only go down to the high 40's F.

I was a little late driving Charlotte to Crafts this morning. We stayed until after 9 a.m. so we could call Liz (daughter) at work and wish her Happy Birthday. Rats! We got her Voicemail. At least we could leave a message.

The craft room was really crowded today when I carried Charlotte's sewing machine inside for her. I then went next door to the Lodge to do my routine internet stuff.

At the Lodge there were a few folks here to play Cribbage this morning - enough for a two tables.

I update the iPhone including the February Calendar and Contacts. I then put the computer in the car trunk and went into the Craft Room to let Charlotte know I was going to the RV to make Spanish Rice for dinner. I would leave the car for her. She was working on a table runner and was just finishing. (Nice Job). I walked back to the RV.

The walk back (about 3 "RV Blocks") only took a few minutes. I was passed by another "Canadian" park resident (from Ontario) in his Lovely Mercury truck.

Then I was passed by two "Recumbent" bikers.

Most other folks at OMS (Olde Mill Stream RV Resort) have regular bikes, tricycles (with rear baskets) or folding bikes.

Soon I was back at the motorhome.

I made the Spanish Rice. Charlotte arrived just after noon. We ate while watching the local news.

There was enough lunch left for a repeat tomorrow. Then we were off to Hobby Lobby in Mount Dora, FL. I waited in the car enjoying the nice day (top off). I also hoped that the Del Sol owner parked in front of me would return so I could ask them if they knew of  junkyards nearby that had Del Sol parts. They must work in one of the strip mall stores as they didn't appear while I was there.

Charlotte returned after an hour. She was anxious to show me the material she bought.

Next we went to Publix to do a weekly shopping. This is our grocery store of choice.

Mary, at Publix,  was most helpful explaining how the Florida and Power Ball Lottery worked. She explained that winnings in the U.S.A. are taxed. We told her in Canada lottery winners keep all of the prize money.

After shopping we went to Altamonte, FL to pick up an item. Unfortunately, although they were open until 5 they only "process" from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. and it was now about 4:30. Oh Well! It was a nice ride. We will return tomorrow and pickup the item tomorrow afternoon. We will leave after the morning craft session at the park.

Back at the motorhome, once the groceries were put away, we had "Long Johns" for supper. These are like a Chocolate Eclair with the enclosed filling being a custard rather than whipped cream. Being still not hungry after filling up on Spanish Rice at lunch (this was the only excuse we needed) this was a treat.

I then spent almost an hour cooking the several pounds of "Ground Chuck" we just bought. I then filled plastic storage containers and placed them in the freezer. This was all done while Jeopardy was on. Despite being busy I was able to get many of the answers and Final Jeopardy, as well.

The usual NCIS Tuesday night TV was pre-empted by President Trump's 8 p.m. announcement of his choice to fill the Supreme Court vacancy.

Just channel surfing after that to end the day.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Mon - 30 Jan/17

Still cold - only hitting 60 F - but; it was perfectly sunny all day.

Not a lot on the agenda today.

I went to the Lodge to check the emails, etc.  A few folks filtered in and out to check their emails then left. Others came in to get ice. I had a chat for a few minutes with another Honda fan (he noticed I was wearing a Honda Hat). He appreciated our Del Sol that he saw while walking. He has driven nothing but Hondas (Cars, Motorcycles and Lawnmowers) for years.

I noticed Google's (Search) screen today has a tribute to Fred Korematsu on his 98th birthday. Mind Sludge: he is the inventor of Pac Man. (Now you know).

I also spent time trying to locate junkyards that had Honda Del Sol's. I may pick up a few parts as spares for future use. I am also looking for a rear roof seal. Mine is OK; but looks worn.

I returned to the RV after doing all the required updates. This included the update that wouldn't update the other day. It was after 3:30 p.m. when I got back to the motorhome.

Charlotte and I spent time discussing the "60's Spectacular" show coming to Daytona Beach's Peabody Auditorium. We decided to pass. We have recently seen the Association and Gary Lewis and the Playboys although the other groups on the list (The Vogues, The Happenings and Lou Christie) would be new to us. Considering that it was a 7:30 p.m. show and a fair distance to drive at night on unfamiliar secondary roads we decided to pass.

A note: In Florida the law requires a group can only use the original name if at least one member is from the original group.

Charlotte did her sewing in the RV today. She added a Canadian Maple Leaf motif border to the 150th Emblem and she just finished. Really Neat!

We finished watching Dr. Phil. Maybe it was the show that made me realized there was something wrong?

I was now aware that Charlotte was suffering from CWS: "Chronic Withdrawal Syndrome". She hadn't been to Jo-Ann Fabrics for a few days. I did my duty and drove her just so she could browse (grin). Needless to say she found some fabric and now feels much better!

By then it was almost 5 p.m. I realized there was another need! FOOD!

Help was less than 2 miles down US-441 at Kiku! (Japanese Steak House).

We shared a table with a couple and their 2 young boys and another young couple. There were smiles all around as the Teppan Chef entertained us with his culinary skills. (At least the rice was smiling).\

We were even treated to a rare "Onion Volcano"!

...and there were plenty of Veggies! Can't say we don't eat healthy! No McD's for us.

Charlotte had Scallops!

...and I had a Filet (Medium Rare) all cut up in bit-sized pieces!

Note: The "White Sauce" is "to die for!". Last year we bought a half a dozen bottles to take home. We will try to remember to get some more before we leave this year.

By the time we finished the sun was going down.

We were back at the motorhome in time for Jeopardy!

It was just a regular TV evening to end a relatively restful day!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sun - 29 Jan/17
The rain did come a little harder later in the evening. We could hear it on the motorhome roof throughout the night. It finally ended mid-morning.
The usual start to Sunday – just staying in bed and watching CBS Sunday Morning.
Yesterday it didn’t get above 59 F. Today will be much the same.
I went to the Lodge with the computer to try and get the program update that wasn’t working to run. I think an iTunes media file was causing a problem. I finally was able to get a previous version re-installed and after removing the iTunes files. I was then able to locate, download and re-install a previous version of the program. I didn’t have the heart – after 6 hours – to try to get the new version running.
Otherwise, we did nothing. It’s good to do that once in a while.
That’s it for today – not even a picture.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Sat - 28 Jan/17

The cold spell has arrived and will be with us for about a week. It is 10 degrees below normal meaning it will be in the low 60's F for a while.

On non-craft days we sleep in until 9 a.m. We just watched TV in bed until 11:30. It was good to be lazy.

Then I started my Mushroom Soup for lunch. It hit the spot!

At 1:30 p.m. we headed for the Opry in Wiersdale, FL. Naturally, we left the top on the Del Sol. We didn't even see the sun today and a little heat was needed.

The "Opry Band" most often plays for a half hour or so before the featured act. As usual, they were terrific. Then there is a short intermission for folks to get a snack, drink, etc. before the signature artist appears on stage.

During the intermission we had a chance to chat with some nice folks sitting next to us that were from Elkins, WV in Timber Country. It is a town of about 7,000 that has been named one of the 100 Best Small Towns in America. A well known annual event, "Mountain State Forest Festival", is appropriate as the town is surround by impressive forest landscapes. They said they were in Florida because, like Canada, it gets cold there in the winter.

Today's show today featured 5 Time Grammy Award Winner: B.J. Thomas who is probably best known for the song from the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid movie. Think about it? (Are "Raindrops Falling on Your Head? - grin).

He opened with his first hit: "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" and sang all of his hits including "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head".

When B.J. sang "Peace in the Valley" (A cappella) you could literally "hear a pin drop".

Others songs that were on our "Regular Play" list in the car that he sang were: "Hey Won't You Play Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song"; "I Just Can't Help Believing"; "Mighty Clouds of Joy" and "Rock and Roll Lullaby". He sang other songs that we were not familiar with; but most of the crowd definitely were.

There was not much "Stage Movement" during the show as B.J. recently had surgery (knee replacement?) just 3 weeks ago; however his voice, one of the most distinctive in American Pop music, was terrific. The audience was appreciative of his effort. It was a great show.

We returned to OMS after the show. There we hurriedly prepared Charlotte's "Chicken Spread/Ritz Cracker" snacks (yummy) and ate while watching the local news before heading to the Rec Hall for "Solid Gold". This is literally a "Karaoke" show. One plays (keyboard) and sings while the other just sings to the tunes. This is a free show sponsored by OMS which provides pitchers of draft beer and soft drinks for those attending. It was still packed this evening despite 80 couples being off on a "Sea Cruise" this week.

There was a light rain falling as we walked back to the motorhome. This is forecast as continuing (off and on) throughout the night. It is too light to lull us to sleep as it can not be heard on the RV roof.

Off to bed after 20/20 on TV.

It was a relatively restful day.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Fri - 27 Jan/17

A little cooler today; but no rain. Maybe tomorrow?

It’s PSA Time! No - not prostrate test time! (grin) – “Public Service Announcement” time.

In an RV you always try to conserve space. For those that may not know: If you crush plastic water bottles when empty then put the cap back on they will stay collapsed and use less space in the garbage or recycling container.
On our “Later” mornings we have more time for breakfast. This is when Charlotte makes McC’s. (Like McD’s McMuffins). Yummy!

Then it was time to head to the Quilt Show at the Savannah Center in The Villages.

The show is always packed. They even have Food Trucks in the parking lot for those “in need”.

The quilt work is exceptional.

There are special seminars given throughout the day. All kinds of fabric and quilting items are available at the booths.I returned and remained in the car (with the top off) and enjoyed the sunshine.

PSA #2:
The only excitement I had was helping two ladies find their car. I told them to use their Key Remote to have the car signal them. Just keep clicking while walking. If you “Double Click” the Lock it should flash the lights and “Chirp” the horn. (Use the Panic Button if you are desperate). Their car was two rows over.
Charlotte spent 2 hours exploring and returned with some nice fabric. The show booklet has listings of area quilt shops. I feel a road trip is in the future

After the show (about 2 p.m.) we had lunch at Cracker Barrel a few miles away on US-27/441.
After ordering Charlotte always “checks out” the store displays. She found “PEZ” we thought Liz may not have in her collection. I phoned her at work. She did. (We tried).

Charlotte enjoyed a Pork Chop w/Coleslaw and Stewed Apples and I had the Hamburger Steak w/Steak Fries and Mac and Cheese (as usual).
Next we went a few stoplights down US-27/441 to Walmart. A few items (Deodorant, etc.) from the pharmacy area and we were out and headed back to OMS.

Charlotte went in to Family Dollar at the strip mall across from the park to pick up a few extra mugs for her coffee/tea needs. We left most of our coffee mugs at home after taking them there to wash after the family Thanksgiving at “The Lot” (Nick’s RV Storage Lot) near home. We just forgot to return them to the RV.
We just had to cross the road and we were at OMS in time for the local evening news. Wow! The news indicated a "Columbine" style plot was just foiled. It had been planned for The Villages Charter Middle School. It leaked out when those involved told some students to wear white T shirts if they didn't want to get shot. The dark truth was they said this because blood shows up better on white!

We live in Dark Times!

With the late breakfast and lunch today - supper will be just nibbles.
The fireplace is on in the RV this evening as the clouds and cooler weather are beginning to arrive.
No events planned for this evening. Jeopardy and a table game or two while we TV surf our way through the evening.

That’s a wrap for today.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thu - 26 Jan/17

The high humidity meant we didn't see the sun until after 10 a.m. It took that long to burn off the moisture. Today will hit 80 F; but the rain chances will increase from the afternoon onward. Then a cold front will drop the temps to the mid-60's F for a few days with the night time lows going down to the low-40's F. It will remain that way for about a week.

The usual morning for Crafts. After I parked and helped Charlotte into the Craft Room with her sewing machine I took the computer to The Lodge and spent all morning frustrated. A new update (Audials One) just would not install properly.

I did not get any of the projects using the internet done. Charlotte arrived earlier than usual. She had almost finished the Canada 150th Pattern. Just needs a little ironing then a border will be added. I gave her the key for the car. She put the sewing machine in the trunk and walked back to the RV.

Lunch was almost ready by the time I got there. It was a favourite: Marie Callender's Turkey Pot Pie.

We did a repeat of this morning for 1 p.m. This time Charlotte didn't need her sewing machine. This afternoon she would be helping Martha show others how to do "Paper Piecing". I returned to The Lodge to do the computer stuff I didn't get done this morning.

Charlotte finished and headed back to the RV by 2 p.m. I stayed in The Lodge to work on the computer. No luck on Audials so I began doing other work. I download the WKMG Pinpoint Weather App for my iPhone. It will show weather/storms at any location in Florida that they cover.

Then I updated my Audible files in the FileDrawer Program I designed.

It took until 6 p.m. for me to make program it so I could add Series Title/Series # info for the Audible audio books in my library. I will have to add this info at another Internet Session in The Lodge.

I then packed up and returned to the RV.

Supper was hot dogs - yummy,

Another TV evening starting with Jeopardy to end the day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wed - 25 Jan/17

Another great day in store. A re-run of yesterday with less wind. The humidity will be increasing making a chance of rain for tomorrow.

I parked at the Craft Room just before 9 a.m. Charlotte went in with her sewing machine. I took the computer to The Lodge.

The usual folks were at Tennis Court playing Pickle Ball.

Same for the Horseshoe Pitch. Nobody at the Shuffleboard Court (as usual).

It took until 10 a.m. before the iPhone update was complete. Then I was able to start on internet other things. I was also now able to listen again to "Trunk Music" on my hearing aids. I didn't want to do anything else on the computer while downloading the iPhone update.

I spent the rest of the time updating my Audible Program Book List. I just added new fields that named the book series, book number in the series, number of books in the series and how many I needed to complete the series. I need the internet to access the Audible website. I probably will be working on this tomorrow as I only got a few completed before it was time to pack up and meet Charlotte at the car.

Lunch was the final round for the Spaghetti. I spent time after dinner placing a few items in the "Going Home" compartment on the outside. This will give us more room inside.

Our event for today was the 5:30 p.m. show featuring Jay and the Americans at the Savannah Center in The Villages. Perfect weather for driving in (top off, of course). We got there early enough to get a parking spot right up front. Charlotte went in while I turned the car around. To leave we won't even have to back up - just pull ahead.
Jay and the Americans still had two members from original Brooklyn-based harmony vocal group that started it all along with Jay #3. The presentation featured all three with each singing lead for various hits.  The "USA" Band that backed them up were also excellent.
The show featured a running history of the group. This was really fantastic as they played on the bill with many greats (like Roy Orbison). During the "British Invasion" they played with The Beatles on their first tour of America and The Rolling Stones at Carnegie Hall as well as other top British groups.
They also sang a medley of songs written by Lieber and Stoller (who wrote hits for the Drifters, the Coasters and others) that included Kansas City, Hound Dog, Jailhouse Rock, Ruby Baby and Poison Ivy.
They played all their hits from the '60's. Our favourites were: "Cara Mia"; "Come a Little Bit Closer"; "Walkin' in the Rain" and "Since I Don't Have You". Their history of Jay and The Americans acknowledged all three "Jays" and featured all of the top hits in their original arrangements. Many songs were written by members of the band both for themselves and other rock legends. It was a great show!

Supper was at Burger King that we usually go to in the Publix plaza area at the intersection of  SR-19 and CR-44. We like their Whopper Jr. Meal Deal for $3.99 = Whopper Jr., Fries, Drink.  and Chicken Tenders.

Back at the RV by 8:30 p.m. We watched "Hunted" and the local news to end the day.