Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday - 23 Dec/15

Nights are 20 F above normal at 70+ F. Record or near record highs in the mid-80's; but this is not the Sunshine State. It feels more like dusk all day long due to the heavy cloud cover caused by the warm, humid air from the south. Despite the high humidity there is virtually no chance of showers today as the rain clouds are on both sides in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, not over the land.

Charlotte was off to sewing this morning. It was so humid droplets were forming on surfaces even though it was not raining. Charlotte will be working on placemats today (not Christmas ones) made from material she bought last week. This will give us a pair of placemats to use when the current set is in the laundry.

A lot of little routine jobs on my agenda this morning. I will do fine tuning adjustments on the Day/Night blind we just fixed. I had to adjust the end of the valance which was not all the way up against the ceiling on one end. It was also time to dump the black water tank (sewage).

I had enough time left over to make lunch. I always "Cheat" on the recipes by adding more whole milk and butter and less water. I like extra creamy sauces rather than thin, watery mixtures. The hardest part is cooking things to be ready just as Charlotte returns from sewing.

Lunch was cheddar scalloped potatoes, baby lima beans in butter and tube steaks (hot dogs - grin). Dessert was Claxton Fruits Cake.

Charlotte just has a little hand stitching to do on her new placemats. Each side has a different pattern. I love the colours. Another neat craft completed.

Charlotte picked up the mail after crafts. We have never had so much! Some business mail along with a bunch of Christmas Cards.

Daughter Kat always finds the funniest cards (for every occasion).

Liz, Nick and Marty's card is a hand drawn Christmas modification of their business logo. Neat!

Other cards were from friends Angele and Bob and our cats - Jessie and Max. They will decorate our snowman family table.

Another piece of mail was a cheque from my RV insurance company. I paid for the RV windshield replacement to speed up the process as we were in the USA when the window was damaged. I waited until we arrived at the RV park so as not to interrupt our trip to Florida. We would have been delayed on the road for over a week (costly) while a windshield was shipped, received and installed.

Safety windshields are made up of two layers of glass with a plastic middle layer. Being tempered causes the glass to fragment rather than shatter and the middle layer keeps the pieces together. Only the outer layer of the glass was cracked. It was also on the passenger side (our large RV windshield is in two halves) so we decided to travel on. The cracks did radiate a bit; however it remained in place all the way to our destination.

The insurance company cheque was for my cost minus the deductible; however, it was in Canadian Currency. I do have an account at the RBC Bank in the USA; however, it is a virtual bank without physical branches. I have a Canadian TD Bank VISA so I pondered going to the TD Bank (USA) that has a branch in Eustis, FL only a few miles down the road. I thought they would cash the cheque; however I would pay a substantial exchange fee to convert it to American dollars.

iPHONE to the rescue. On a hunch I checked the internet. The Royal Bank (RBC Canada), as of December, has an APP by which I can deposit cheques. (These apps have been available from US Banks for a few years.)

I downloaded the app, accessed my account, signed the cheque and took a picture of the front and the back, entered the amount and made the deposit into my RBC Canada Main Chequing Account remotely, by phone, all from the comfort of the motorhome here in Florida. NEAT!

All the time I was setting up and doing the deposit Charlotte worked on laying out the blocks of her new quilt project on the motorhome floor.

This quilt will be made up of almost 3 dozen large and 2 dozen small graphic cutouts from T-shirts collected during our travels over the years. Charlotte first irons the graphic onto "Fusible Web" material. This will allow them to keep their shape when quilted.

Another Bette Davis B/W movie to tide us over until Jeopardy, etc. You know, the usual evening fare. This turned out to be a busier day than we thought it would be.

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