Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Monday - 7 Dec/15

Tuesday morning - still having problems getting on the Wi-Fi to get  the blog out. Sometimes pictures would download in several seconds; other times it would take several minutes. First I will do Monday's blog.

Charlotte was off for 9 a.m. to do some sewing. Mornings are not official classes; however a few crafters go daily to work on their own projects. Charlotte worked on putting "scrap pieces" together for possible future projects.

Now that the RV has it's new windshield I was able to install the "Privacy Screens". This filters out the sun and keeps the RV cooler. It also allows us to see out while limiting viewing into the motorhome.

The first task was digging out the collapsible ladder from the side compartments. I need to still re-arrange these compartments; but that will be another day.

The screens are literally a "snap" to install and only takes a few minutes. What does take a long time is cleaning the windows. The new windshield (passenger side) was already spotless. The driver's side to several minutes to get the "oil film" off  (probably compliments of being behind many (diesel) transports on the interstate).

We had our screens custom made in Texas several years ago. It was quite popular in that area. We have only seen screens on a few other motorhomes in this area although one or two "Park Models" have colour matching screens. I like the black screen for the motorhome. I have seen a few beige screens and they do not look as neat.

Charlotte walked to do crafts in the afternoon while I continued working on the pantry. I installed a larger than normal handle at a height that would make pulling the unit out easy. Charlotte helped "Mac Tac" the solid oak board previously. We tried staining; but couldn't get a good match. The Mac Tac looks a little "redder" than the original paneling in the picture; however in reality it is almost a perfect match.

I then unloaded everything from the shelves and made some adjustments to align the front more precisely for installation of the front panel. I decided on how I would "MacGyver" fastening the panel to the pantry pull-out frame.

When Charlotte returned from crafting we zipped across the road to Ace Hardware to pick up a half dozen metal "Tee Plates" (No, not the thing you set teacups on - grin) and a box of half inch wood screws.

I attached the T's to the metal frame using "self-tappers" that I already had in the RV. Self-tapping screws have an end that works like a drill bit allowing it to make a starting hole in the metal and then screw itself into the piece in one operation. I then attached the panel to the tees by screwing into the back of the panel.

The hard part was getting the panel aligned perfectly. Again, Charlotte was a great help. Finally it was installed. I don't quite understand why the cabinet, refrigerator and pantry look so different in colour in photos; yet they all appear so similar to the "Naked Eye". (What in the world is an "Un-naked Eye"?)

I think we will really find the pantry a welcome addition. I still have to "MacGyver" a way to securely keep the unit from opening when the RV is in motion. I have a few ideas; but that will be a task for another day.

We finished all just in time for Jeopardy. That's it for today.

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