Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday - 10 Dec/15

Sunny and clear today.  The temp is starting at 48 F and will reach 78 F by late afternoon. A 30 F temperature swing is normal for this time of year here.

Wi-Fi was perfect yesterday - today miserable for the first few hours! Then it was back on track.

Charlotte was off, as usual, to sewing for 9 a.m. She takes her cue from Jean, a neighbour, two spaces down the street. She gets the craft room cupboard key from the office. When Jean leaves that is the signal to load up the sewing machine and materials in the Del Sol and depart.

I made on-line (the only way) reservations (required) for a Christmas Tour of the Stetson (of Hat Fame) Mansion in Deland, FL. They sell out quickly. Only 3 were left for tomorrow. We have the 1:30 p.m. tour booked. Should be fun.

Little "odds and ends" jobs today for me. Still looking for a few things and re-arranging storage. I found what I needed and set up the portable 19" Flatscreen TV. I previously wired the RV and set up the TV in an outside compartment. We did not watch it that much outside so I am setting it up to show the TV channels and movies through the computer's HDMI connection. I can also use it as a larger computer screen (monitor).

Charlotte returned just after the noon hour from the craft room. The scraps she sewed together as strips in the RV were now joined together making a pretty conglomeration of colour.

We decided to rest today as we have a roadtrip scheduled for tomorrow..  We will forego the Lake Country Flea and Farmer's Market today. It is a weekly event so we will get there sooner or later.

Now that things are set up the first movie was Bette Davis in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. Those old Black and White movies didn't have too much in the way of Special Effects; but they did have dialogue and a plot. (They are also good to fall asleep to - grin)

Ocean's 11 was our next movie before supper. A nice relaxing view. We miss the "Vegas Strip". At least we can see it again in movies.

After supper Charlotte did some colouring in one of her numerous adult (no not that kind of adult - grin) colouring books. A great and creative way to relax.

A typical Jeopardy evening to wrap up the day.

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