Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday - 19 Dec/15

Sunny and still below 50 F at 10 a.m.  Yes, we slept in. (grin)

We missed the pancake breakfast at 9 a.m. in the Rec Hall; but that's OK - we will have a repeat of the  banana pancakes with maple syrup that we enjoyed yesterday in the RV.

It was so cool last night the butter in our "French Butter Keeper" was really solid. This ceramic storage dish keeps the butter fresh, soft and spreadable for up to 20 days without refrigeration.

How does it work? (I thought you'd never ask! (grin).

Evaporation cools. The small amount of water in the bottom evaporates in the heat, thus keeping the butter chilled enough to keep it fresh and soft enough to be spreadable.

We have 2 electric heaters that we use in the RV when hooked up to electricity to save the propane for when we are dry camping on the road. We do like to sleep cool so we used the oil filled rad to keep the bedroom from getting too cold last night. It is quite safe as it will shut off if tipped, has a thermostat to set the temp and an indicator light to show when it is heating. The rad is totally silent which is good for sleeping.

In the main living area we use the Fireplace (style) heater that uses a ceramic core and blower to circulate the heat. It is safer than a cone style heater as the heating core is inside and cannot contact combustibles. Safety features prevent overheating and it runs the fan to cool down when the heater shuts off. The remote (or up front) controls turn the heater on/off. They also control the fireplace display speed as well as the heater temp. It does double duty by supporting the Flat Screen TV that is hooked up to our computer for viewing movies.

We used the propane heaters this morning to warm it up quickly. Our RV is one of the few that has 2 propane heaters (20,000 and 30,000 BTU). This was available only for this model year on the Bounder 34 F because of it's 3 slideouts. Most RV's just have one heater; however this model was designed for dry camping in the cold. The RV was warm again in no time.

The "Do the Laundry" signal went off today! You know the signal - It automatically goes off when the last pair of clean underwear are put on. (grin).

Say - does anybody know why we say "Pair of Underwear" when we only put on one at a time?

Actually, we say "pair" for a number of things like pair of scissors, pants, etc.

Explanation: Pants (pantaloons) were originally two similar parts that were put on one leg at a time because they actually came in two pieces. You put on one leg at a time (like everybody else, eh!), tied it around your waist, then put on the other. From the beginning, about the 16th Century, pants have been referred to as a pair.

But, I digress. (grin)

We decided against an "RV washers/dryer as it was only available in a different model. We liked the layout of our model best so we have to use the park laundry a half dozen times a year. Not a big deal. We always wait until the last minute so we do it all at once making for fewer trips.

We certainly have a "Car Load" of laundry! (grin)

Surprise! Wally and Linda Medley (park co-managers) did a great job of refreshing the laundry. They built the new folding table themselves (hands-on managers, eh!) during the summer. The new and larger unit is not made for chairs. In fact. chairs are banned from the laundry room. Complaints indicated folks could not fold their laundry at the table because itwas occupied by people reading or using their electronic devices. Now the protocol is to go to the main hall while the washing/drying is underway. The cycles for both are 45 minutes making it easy to return (even from the RV) on time.

We choose to work on an open puzzle in the main hall returning near the end of each cycle to do what was necessary.

I suffer from "Old-Timer's Disease" (something like alzheimer's disease). I can be forgetful! I stick these "Ladybug" magnetic markers I made onto the washers and dryers we are using. Memory problem solved!

Less than 2 hours later all was done and back in the RV. Another Bette Davis B/W passed the rest of the afternoon.

Getting on the internet, like yesterday, was a problem. This is a provider fault not an RV park fault. It was useless for several hours yesterday and again today it was off and on many times. There seems to be less service from the provider on the weekend (cost of overtime?). I also think they do not have enough bandwidth that compounds whatever other problems they have. Today it went from not working for a few hours to excellent - go figure?

Supper was Pizza.  We buy frozen Red Baron Supreme on French Bread to which we add extra pepperoni, green pepper, green olives and cheese. Always good.

The OMS Christmas Dance started at 7 p.m. meaning we had to be there by 6:30 p.m. to get a seat.

The Lee Ann Noel Band played again this year for the Christmas Dance. No, it is not the Lee Ann Christmas Band. Here last name is actually Noel. To beat the rush we left a few minutes before the end of the dance at 10 p.m.

We turned on both propane heaters to take the chill off then it was maintained with the electric units.

Dateline on TV ended the day.

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