Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday - 22 Dec/15

Socked in with fog this morning. Being Central Florida the high humidity, as usual, burnt off by 9:30 a.m.; however it remained cloudy and in the mid-80's F.

After being busy yesterday we decided to take it easy today. Charlotte helped once again and we finally re-installed the Day/Night Blind after a few contortions and adjustments.

Again, a few more Bette Davis B/W movies while we did odds and ends. There are still a few more in the collection to view.

I add the January OMS events to our daily calendar then continued working on the movie database program I am designing. I am adding the actors to the movies so I can search by name. Down to less than 20% of the 4000 movies to complete.

Charlotte worked on finalizing her Fabric Christmas Ball decorations by adding a festive gold bow. The picture doesn't do them justice.

A half dozen are now hung throughout the RV making it even more festive.

Charlotte's saucy meatballs w/rice for supper, Mmmm good!

Jeopardy, Family Feud and NCIS/NICS NOLA (New Orleans - locals just call it NOLA = New Orleans, LA)

That's it for another day in the Sunshine State. (even though it has been cloudy).

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