Friday, December 04, 2015

Friday - 4 Dec/15

There is a brisk breeze this morning making it seem cooler than the temperature. Low 70's for a high. The low will be in the mid-50's tonight. Mostly cloudy with a 20% POP. Compared to most of the continent we aren't really doing too bad.

Checked the UPS tracking while I was waiting for the windshield replacement company to arrive. My Home Depot order is on the UPS truck and out for delivery. I will have to start planning how to make the pull out pantry for the motorhome.

The glass installer called indicating he would arrive between 2 and 3 p.m. today. The message was on my voicemail. The phone did not ring. This is an issue at times. It goes straight to voicemail for some reason. I will have to look into this.

Today is a clear day on our calendar for park activities. This is true for most Fridays. It will be a good day to VEG!

Sorry - we can't VEG! Charlotte continued sewing the handbag she was making using "Canadian" themed fabrics.

I reorganized the fridge shelving after I inserted the replacement shelf that arrived yesterday. Then I placed the interior shelves in a new order. We will see how this arrangement works over the next few weeks.

My Home depot order arrived by UPS. Matt, one of the many friendly staff at OMS,  kindly delivered the two large packages to the RV. This is just another example of why this park is such a nice place to reside.

I was excited to unpack the shipment. Ooops! The trays are made to attach on the sides. I needed the center mount trays. The side mount baskets look like they should fit except that they are too long to fit inside the rails. As a side basket setup the 6 inch baskets are fractionally too wide to fit.

I have choices - re-order everything or modify the opening. The center mount parts, although virtually identical, would double the cost. I think I will modify the opening instead.

On further thought - I will modify the baskets by cutting short pieces out of each end. Then it should fit on the frame and catch on the holder and become a center fit basket. The basket itself now will actually have better support. That way I will not have to modify the opening. The decision was made to try the modification on one basket to see if it would work. Necessity is really the mother of invention!

Success! The basket fit. White Zip Ties on the end will add even more security. They will actually be stronger and better balanced than the original side mount. Next I will have to start planning the enclosure.

The Windshield Tech called to say he was on his way and would arrive in about an hour. I told him to call on arrival and I would meet him at the gate. He did, I did and soon he was at the RV.

Jeff was the consummate professional. He could work quickly and talk at the same time. I always enjoy watching someone who is skilled at what they do. Soon the broken windshield was out.

We talked about many topics. One was cars. Jeff has a "Smokey and the Bandit" (Special Edition) Firebird; however his is red. A true classic - Neat!

As we discussed various parts of the country From Santa Fe to Sun Valley, the new windshield was cleaned and prepped for installation.

Skill, along with strength, soon had the windshield in place. I contributed by stabilizing the ladder. (grin)

Jeff  did a few final touch-ups. A most excellent job! Bonus: Before departing he passed on a few RV tips.

Charlotte made Egg Muffins for supper while I continued working on the Pull-Out Pantry unit. I still have to make the attachment points so it can be securely fastened in place. I will also have to make a matching frontal piece for the unit. Perhaps tomorrow; but for tonight it will rest in the enclosure that will become it's new home.

After supper Charlotte put the final touches on her "Canadian" handbag. She installed a plastic bottom and inside lining for more shape and support. I gladly sacrificed one of my 3-ring binders for the cause. This involved a lot of hand stitching. Soon it was finished.

The inside looks as neat as the outside. As usual a job well done.

What started off as a good day to VEG ended up being pretty productive.

Nothing planned for tonight except Jeopardy and whatever else we can find on TV that might be worth watching. I have a feeling we will be nodding off sooner than usual.

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