Friday, December 25, 2015

Friday - 25 Dec/15

This was the warmest Christmas Day ever! (at least since they have been keeping records) Temps all around the region were in the mid-80's F. More record setting days are coming according to the forecast.

The Rec Hall was packed for Christmas Dinner at 1 p.m. The potluck was excellent as usual. OMS provided the ham (it was so good) with mashed potatoes and gravy. Everyone else brought items for the potluck. Unlike some RV park potlucks, there is always enough food for seconds here at OMS.

We had the pleasure of sitting with folks we have shared a table with previously as well as another couple from Michigan who we were meeting for the first time. The friendly atmosphere at these events makes the festivities even more pleasurable.

Nothing planned for the day. We returned to the motorhome after the meal. Made afternoon phone calls to family back home to wish them  Merry Christmas. Like much of the Northeast, they had unusually warm weather. Folks were even driving around in their convertibles with the top down enjoying the unusual winter heat. Not to fear - snow will be arriving back home in a few days. After all, we do live "Half Way to the North Pole" (in the summertime - grin).

Once again, Merry Christmas to All!

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