Thursday, December 03, 2015

Thursday - 3 Dec/15

I thought we were ending the evening last nigh with Jeopardy; however it was not available due to the coverage of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA.

In the USA there have been 355 mass shootings so far this year making these tragedies more than a daily occurrence. Police have killed a couple suspected of shooting dead 14 people and wounding 17, They were armed with AK-47 assault rifles and handguns which were purchased legally.

It has become too routine. Nationwide News covers the shooting incident - often live. The president and politicians denounce the actions of the perpetrators and all say something should be done. The NRA (National Rifle Association) either lays low; quotes their second amendment constitutional right or remarks "Guns don't kill, people do!" Mass shooting garner national headlines. The daily shootings only make the local news.

Being Canadian I find all of this difficult to fathom. In Florida you can buy guns anywhere - even at flea markets.

Nationwide, in the USA, the number of motor vehicle deaths still exceeded gun deaths: 35,543 to 32,351.  But numbers indicate that gun deaths are trending upward as motor vehicle deaths continue on a steady decline, thanks in large measure to serious government safety regulation aimed at reducing fatalities and injuries that is notably missing in the sphere of firearms.

In fact, guns remain the only consumer product not regulated at the federal level for health and safety thanks to the NRA and gun industry lobby. Teddy bears get tested to make sure they can withstand use and abuse by kids, but guns aren't tested to make sure they don’t go off when accidentally dropped,

The often quoted second amendment rights were written at a time when police protection was non-existent for most of the population. The new nation required an armed militia to support their small army in the event of attack. Citizens, living on the vast frontier, needed a means to protect themselves, their families and their livestock from predators including the 2-legged kind. Hunting was not a sport; but a necessity as it provided food for their families. They used muzzle loading, single shot rifles - not AK-47's.

Times have changed. It is about time the politicians change the laws!

RANT OVER: Now for today.

The Wi-Fi is still working decently - Yeah!

The A/C made sleeping comfortable. I left the windows closed this morning to keep out the rising heat and humidity. Without direct sunshine the RV has remained cool and the A/C hasn't come on all morning.

Charlotte made a few more Dreamcatchers last night. The feathers were glued on and they were hung up to dry on the shower door. They get more and more intricate as she learns the technique. Neat!

Today promises to be overcast and cooler with scattered periods of light rain and temps in  the mid-70's F.

I drove Charlotte to the Craft Clubhouse for 9 a.m., carried in the sewing machine,  helped set up an ironing board and then went next door to check our mailbox at the park post office. I will return to pick her up at noon.

The Blue Herons are always so graceful as the slowly strut through the park looking for food.

A number of FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) RV's had already arrived and were parked in the Rally Area of the park. Groups often come for the weekend and participate in both park and local area activities. They may be here for Saturday's OMS Craft Show?

We removed the car cover when we left for the clubhouse. We have the only protected picnic table in the park. (grin) Soon it was back on the car to keep the leaves from infiltrating the heater blower and other parts of the car.

A neighbour was getting their "Park Model" cleaned. Various locals advertise this service. They come with pressure washers, ladders, and everything needed. They do a good job for a reasonable price.

A few more "In House RV" chores. I installed the steering wheel table.

Now Charlotte's plant has a home with plenty of morning sunshine.

I then cleared several items that were on the front dash in preparation for tomorrow's windshield repair.

It was now time to put the Turkey Pot Pies in the Microwave before leaving to pick up Charlotte. This way lunch would be ready on our return.

On our return I had the pleasure of meeting our neighbour on the corner lot who is also named Bill. It is always enjoyable to have a conversation with another RVer. Bill commented on how nice the park is as well as the friendly nature of RVers. Bill worked in the Power Line Service industry in Michigan. He remembers the devastating ice storm we had in Ontario nearly 15 years ago. Power Line crews from all over North American came to help repair the thousands of power lines that were downed by the storm. He will be departing for Texas in less than two weeks to visit with family. Wishing him a safe trip.

I checked the UPS tracking on-line and notice a package had arrived. I popped over to the office to pick it up. It was a replacement tray from Norcold to replace one that had cracked in transit. Sometimes I do things backwards, After picking up the shipment I went to my post office box to pick up the "You Have Mail" card that was inserted to let me know an item was at the office.

I then brought it to Julie so she could clear the office record board. It is the great staff that make this park special.

We rested this afternoon before preparing for this evenings John Ford Coley concert in Mt. Dora  at the Olympia Event Center on West Old Hwy 441.

England Dan and John Ford Coley were an American soft rock duo that were active throughout the 1970s when they had 6 "Top 40" hits in the latter part of the decade. Native Texans, the duo released 11 albums and nine singles in their career and are best known for their 1976 single, " I'd Really Love to See You Tonight", that reached No. 1 on the Adult Contemporary list as well as becoming a No. 2 pop hit. "Love is the Answer" was also one of their hits.

John Colley's last name was re-spelled "Coley" for ease of pronunciation; "Ford" was added as his middle name for flow purposes. Dan, younger brother of Jim Seals of Seals and Crofts fame, had the childhood nickname "England Dan" because he was a fan of  The Beatles, and he occasionally adopted an English accent. Thus, the groups name.

In the 80's they went on to solo careers with John Ford Coley doing television and film appearances. He returned to an active touring schedule in the 1990s and 2000s, and co-produced acts such as Eddie Money (with Vince Gill) and Tom Wurth.

Tonight John is finishing up a busy year (over 30 concert dates) in Florida. After tonight he will move on to North Palm Beach, then Boca Raton, FL to end his 2015 concert tour season.

This show had two options: Meal/Show or Show Only. We decided on the show only and arrived just before the 7 p.m. start.

We enjoyed the show. John played a variety of songs interspersed with anecdotes, humour and song histories. It was easy to recognize his musical talent and appreciate his strong, clear singing voice.

Unfortunately, England Dan passed in 2009 (Lymphoma); however John's many references made him a real part of the show.

It was an entertaining and relaxing two hours.

We made a Burger King stop on the way back to the park sharing 40 chicken nuggets and two senior sodas.

We were back at the RV by 10 p.m. I put the final touches on the blog. We will finish the evening watching news (on timer) in bed until we nod off.

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