Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday - 28 Dec/15

The heat wave continues. It is now Officially the Hottest Year in Florida - ever. The average daily temperature for the year is 74.9 F. El Nino (warming of the Pacific Ocean at the Equator) has shifted the prevailing winds causing unusual weather all over North America (and the world).

A quiet routine day today.

Charlotte went to crafts this afternoon and created a "Shrinky Dink". Shrinky Dink material is a transparent material on which you trace a design and then colour. This design was traced from one of Charlotte's full sized adult colouring book then coloured. The material is then heated (a fellow crafter brought a toaster oven) and it shrinks. In this case the original design was about 8" x 8". It shrank to 1/3 of the original size giving a true miniature of the original design. It can then be trimmed to any desired shape. Neat!

My main effort today was completing the Route 66 jigsaw puzzle that Charlotte and I started yesterday.

It was also a routine TV evening starting with Jeopardy and Family Feud and ending with Scorpion and NCIS Los Angeles.

That's it for today!

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