Saturday, December 05, 2015

Saturday - 5 Dec/15

First on the agenda was the Olde Mill Stream Craft Sale that was open to the public. It was running from 9 a.m. until noon.

Charlotte couldn't resist buying tickets for the quilt being sold. Proceeds would help two charities (the Christmas Food Drive and a Youth Ranch). Darlene helped Charlotte hold the quilt up so I could take this picture.

We also purchased a Umatilla "Nature's Hometown" T-shirt to use for a quilt Charlotte is planning to make. Before we left home she cut out the graphics from a few dozen regional T-shirts that we had purchased in our travels over the years. This will fit in quite nicely.

Our neighbour on Suwanee, Chris was displaying "Pegs and Jokers" Game Sets made by Tom. The solid oak box sets were expertly crafted and available in various colours.

Another park resident and staff member, Julie, had a large display. Charlotte was amazed by the brightness and clarity of the cross-stitch items. We don't have that kind of skill or patience. A "Keep This Kitchen Clean - Eat Out" rolling pin is now hanging in the RV.

Charlotte notice the "Baked Potato" bags for use in the microwave. We needed another one as we forgot ours at home.

Next week we will be off the Post Office to mail purchased craft items to family back home.

Ontario residents are probably second to Michigan in the park's snowbird population. Fred brought his pristine Mercury pickup down south again this year.

After the show we stopped at Lowe's in Mt. Dora to pick up items needed to finish my Pull-Out Pantry project. Charlotte helped load the Del Sol with pieces I had cut to size at the store. Hopefully my measurements were correct. The "Cutting Service" offered really is a nice feature.

Carrying all that wood to the car sure worked up an appetite. (grin). Lunch was at Perkins Restaurant a little but down US-441.

RANT: Notice the white and green "Perkins" sign by the cars. These are called "Monument" signs. (As in monument aka gravestone). They are limited in height. Most of the town ordinances do not allow any other type of signage which "TICKS ME OFF!". More often than not we drive past the service we are looking for because we can't find the sign in time to make the turn at the closest intersection. Even when we know where the location should be we often go past because we cannot see the sign in time to turn. We then have to go to the next light and make a U-turn, go back and U-turn again to get to our planned destination. "GET OVER IT, PEOPLE!" These are businesses located in a business zone. They are not in a residential area. I am not looking for beautification - I am looking for a service and often can't find it easily! Give the business folks and their customers a break!

Charlotte ordered the Turkey Dinner and I the meatloaf. Both were excellent. Word to the wise: Perkins "Over 55" portions are as large as the menu. We took half home. Another "Word": Monday = a free piece of pie from their excellent bakery with an entree order.

A quick stop at Publix on the way back to the park. Charlotte needed a few items for the meatballs she is making for our donation for today's "Turkey Soup Potluck" at OMS. I hope everyone enjoys her meatballs as much as I do.

We could feel drops of moisture in the air as we left the store even though it wasn't actually raining. In Florida, when there is such a high level of humidity it will rain as it gets cooler. Thankfully, it held off until we unloaded the car.

Lots of wood pieces. Maybe I will start after the Potluck. I am anxious to finish the project.

Charlotte finished the meatballs on time to leave early for the clubhouse. The Potluck is scheduled for 5 p.m.; however, Bill's Rule # 23 applies.

     - At an RV Park Event; being there a half hour early means you are already 15 minutes late.

The rain is letting up just in time to depart for the Potluck. Being Florida the puddles dry up rather quickly. The water just disappears into the sandy soil. In a very short time it will be as if it had not rained.

I am sure they had a lot of Thanksgiving Turkey bones to boil to make the turkey soup for this evening. It was so tasty!

Another "Full House" for this event. Again, as at all events, we always enjoy meeting the folks with whom we share a table.  Charlotte and I enjoyed the company of a couple from Pennsylvania. They have just arrived in the park for their first stay and are quite impressed. Reminds us of our first, and continuing impression, of this wonderful RV park. it is not hard to figure out why so many folks come back year after year.

I am pleased that the Wi-Fi appears to be functioning quite well (unusual for a weekend) as I try to publish the blog. I know Wally and Linda (Park Managers) have been doing everything in their power to bring the service up to the standard of excellence they always try to attain. When there are problems or no connections available my troubleshooting program indicates everything on the computer is configured correctly and that the problem is the DNS Server and/or Gateway. This is "Tech Speak" that means the problem is not with the park's units; but with the Internet Provider itself. I have been told the provider (A National Company) is aware of the problem and is working to find a solution. I hope it comes sooner than later.

This was an unexpectedly busy day. I will forego working on my pantry project until tomorrow.

No other plans for this evening except Jeopardy and whatever else we can find on TV.

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