Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saturday - 12 Dec/15

Today Umatilla hosts the ever popular Cracker Christmas parade and festival. A true “hometown” festival, the day begins with the annual "dog jog", followed by one of the area's largest Christmas parades. An all day festival in Cadwell Park rounds out the day that includes arts and crafts, local folk artisans, food, children's activities and local entertainment. A Christmas Parade in 80 F+ weather really seems strange to us.

"Cracker" refers to colonial-era English and American Pioneer Settlers and their descendants in what is now the U.S. state of Florida. The first of these arrived in 1763 after Spain traded Florida to Great Britain following the latter's victory over France in the Seven Year's War.

To many Floridians, the term is used as a proud self-description. Since the huge influx of new residents into Florida in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, from the northern parts of the United States, Mexico and Latin America, the term "Florida Cracker" is used informally by some Floridians to indicate that their families have lived in the state for many generations. 

To other Floridians the term is derogatory and demeaning and generally describes poor whites. It is similar to being called a "Redneck". Like many words and sayings it depends on the context of it's use. It is truly in the "Ear of the Beholder!"

We left for center town Umatilla, just a few miles down US-19 about 8:30 a.m. We parked a block from the staging area for the parade only a short distance from the reviewing stand. We crossed the street and found a good viewing spot in front of "Central Avenue Treat". We naturally "Treated" ourselves with two dozen mini-donuts and a coffee to help us survive until parade time. Whew! We made it!

A "Dog Jog" was held along the route prior to the parade itself. It passed by just after 9 a.m.

Charlotte's favourite was "Roy", one of the several similar dogs from "PAWS", an organization that trains and supplies Therapy Dogs.

Then the "Cracker Christmas Parade and Festival" was under way.

The first several entries were from the Lake County Sheriff's office.

They had all types of vehicles that included specialty vehicles, patrol cars, water rescue, motorcycles, bicycle patrol, animal rescue and marching officers.

Olde Mill Stream RV Resort had good representation with:

a float;

a historic auto and historic military vehicles.

Numerous convertibles carried several "Pageant" Queens ranging from "Miss Teen" to "Miss Teenie" to "Miss (area town  name)" 2015.

Being near the reviewing stand meant we got to see a little extra as local school teams arrived. 

These included cheerleaders;

Junior ROTC Army Cadets; 

and Marching Bands.

Several local churches entered floats. Ditto local politicians running for office and local businesses.

There was a wide range of "Horsepower" from "Hayburners"

to ATV's 

to Monster Trucks.

There were also many Batons in the air

including a float from the State and National Champion: "Superstars Twirling Academy".

It took a almost and hour before Santa arrived to complete the parade.

We sat on the park bench in front of "Treats" until the crowd dispersed. That took all of 5 minutes. Only a few departed on "Hover Boards" (Eat your heart out McFly!"

We then walked around the corner to Caldwell Park for the "Festival" portion of today's events. There were a number of craft vendors and food booths throughout the park.

Performances were happening on a small stage. We listened to a lower school choir which was replaced by a high school band.

We met a few other folks from OMS that were shopping the craft stalls. Charlotte bought a small Glass Bamboo Planter for the RV.

Then it was back to the RV for an afternoon of movies. We saw Ocean's 11 previously; today it was Ocean's 12 and 13.

The rest of the day will be movies and relaxing and snacks for supper. This will give us a chance to recuperate from the last few busy days.

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