Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday - 16 Dec/15

I could say read Tuesday as today was the same (except different movies).

We decided to take it easy again with the record setting warm temps and high humidity making it feel like the high 90's F. Even the locals were complaining today. The local news has been talking about the "Cold Spell" for the last week on all the weather forecasts. A cold front will cool it down to the 60's F for a few days starting Friday.

Charlotte passed on the group sewing even though the craft room is air conditioned. It was just too hot to pack up the sewing machine and materials to go. I do not know how they survive down here in the summer.

Charlotte did some hand sewing while I spent the day working on my movie database.

After Jeopardy and Family Feud we ended the day with "Romancing the Stone".

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