Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Wed - 8 Jan/14

Up at 7 am this morning. Charlotte had a Quilting session at 9 am.

It was still quite cool; however, the cold front is moving out and it will be in the low 60's F and overcast today. I would return at 11 pm to pick Charlotte up.

It took the whole 2 hours Charlotte was at Quilting for me to do our medications for the next 3 weeks. 2 Hours seems like a lot of time; however, between the 2 of us we take 3 dozen pills daily - multiply that by 21 days = a lot of counting and sorting.

When I returned to pick Charlotte up at 11 am she was just completing a list of items she would need for the next project. 

As I had a few more pills to sort; Charlotte made lunch. It was Spanish Rice w/hamburger and canned tomatoes. That made for a quick, easy meal that was really tasty. Frozen Lima Beans, as today's veggie, was a treat. They are a favourite of mine and somewhat hard to find in the stores at home for some reason.

I delivered Charlotte back to the Multi-purpose Building for 1 pm for the Craft Session. This time she brought her knitting and crocheting materials. Again, I will return in 2 hours to pick her up. It really is a Multi-purpose building. The room within the building also serves as the Hurricane Shelter for the park.

As I was leaving I stopped at the RV Park Post Office right next door to the Multi-purpose building to check our mail. Along with a flyer there was a  "You've Got Mail" card. When this happens it means there is a package too large for the box and it must be picked up at the main office. There was nothing at the Main Office when I checked - this was a false alarm - it must have been put in our mail box by mistake.

Once back at the RV I continued searching and found a few more Quilt Shops to add to my list of places to visit. We have been so busy at the park we have not gone for an excursion yet; just necessary shopping. Perhaps' by this weekend, with the weather reaching into the 80's F, we may head out to a few area farmers/flea markets?

After picking up Charlotte in the car at Crafts I dropped her off at the RV. I then packed up my computer and walked over to the Rec Hall to see what the Computer session was all about. There were about a dozen folks there with their laptops. It was very informal and friendly group. At times the group would be in a discussion about some point raised by a member; then things would gravitate to smaller groups with folks trying to solve a problem or question raised by someone regarding their own computer.  

Like all things computer - times disappears and it was soon 6 pm.

Charlotte made "Beans & Weenies" for supper which was just right for this cooler temperature day, 

We spent the evening, as usual, relaxing as we watched TV. Tomorrow should be almost a carbon copy of today as the activity schedule is similar. This is a very relaxing park. We are glad we made the decision to come to OMS (Olde Mill Stream RV Resort - Umatilla, FL) this year.

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