Monday, January 06, 2014

Mon - 6 Jan/14

We slept in today then lazed watching TV in bed.

A little rain then overcast although it is in the low 50's F. By Tuesday morning it will be below freezing! Even today locals were out with jackets, hats and gloves due to the brisk wind.

Charlotte made egg muffins again for breakfast. Good as usual.

I drove Charlotte at 1 pm Crafts (on Mon and Wed) in the multi-purpose building on the other side of the park.

Park residents were pulling in to pick up their mail at the park post office.

The multi-purpose building looks like a warehouse from the outside except that there is a building within a building.

They even have a pet washing facility - talk about pet friendly! But, there are rules! A sign on the wall indicates that scrubbing "Hubbies" in the tub is not allowed.

The craft room inside the multi-purpose room is immaculate - like all the park facilities.

Charlotte brought her Swedish Weaving to do while there. There were a dozen others at the center for the session. Some of the folks thought they may be interested in Charlotte teaching them Swedish Weaving.

Just as I arrived back at the RV my daughter Kat  phoned. She couldn't connect to the Seagate Central (3 TB Wi-Fi Drive) on the home network. I sent instructions. Hope she can connect so she can watch the DVD's and TV Series stored on the drive when visiting when she checks on the house and the cats.

That took up 2 hours.

Then I was off to pick up Charlotte at Crafts at 3 pm. She had just started a new project which she will try to complete for the Wednesday session those interested can see what the finished product looks like.

We had "Ball Park" Beef Hot Dogs for a late lunch (3:30 pm) then headed for Jo-Ann Fabrics to check if they still carried "Huck Toweling" that would be needed for doing Swedish Embroidery. There would be no use in Charlotte trying to teach a craft if the material needed was not available for the participants. A computer check of the stock indicated 83 yards of material on hand. That should be enough (for a small army).

Ooops! We just realized we missed this evening's Bingo!

Oh Well! Another quiet evening watching TV. (Talking about quiet - this park is just that!)

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