Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wed - 15 Jan/14

The TV alarm is working fine - Darn! That means we are up at 7:30 am. Oh Well! We need to as a number of events start at 9 am.

This morning I dropped Charlotte off at the Quilting Group for 9 am. Then I went out looking for an RV part. The Vacuum Breaker on the toilet started leaking last night. It has extremely tiny pinhole leaks that spray water onto the floor when the toilet is flushed.

No luck at nearby RV part places; but they could order one. That's no help - so could I (on-line).

On the way back to the RV park to pick up Charlotte. I stopped in at Tires Plus in Eustis, FL for an oil change for the Del Sol. I noticed an ad on TV offering an oil change with a synthetic blend oil for just $19.95 + tax and shop consumable fee. Got it done and returned to the park just on time to pick up Charlotte (so I thought).

Ladies were leaving just as I arrived; however, Charlotte was not there. She left a bit earlier and was already back at the RV.

After BLT's for lunch I dropped Charlotte off for the afternoon session at 1 pm. Today the group was working on the crocheted "shopping bag" bags.

The cut up shopping bags are crocheted to make a virtually indestructible bag - Neat!

I returned to the RV to work on the toilet. I used a roll of "Emergency Tape" that I purchased at an RV show a few years back. The tape doesn't appear to be sticky; yet stretch it to it's extreme and wrap it around something (and onto itself) and it seals and will hold in liquid under pressure. I does what was promised and the toilet vacuum valve appears to not be leaking. The emergency repair should hold for a little while until I can locate a replacement part.

I finished  the repair just in time to pick up Charlotte at 3 pm. We decided to go to Camping World to check for a new vacuum valve. Deja Vu - we were here just the other day - too bad the toilet wasn't leaking then - it would have saved us a trip. I also checked to see if I could find a repair part for folding door in the rear of the motorhome. A small plastic "T" that suspends the door from the guide channel snapped. I "lucked out" on the toilet part - not so on the door part.

Deja Vu - Part 2 - back at Jo-Ann Fabrics again. Charlotte needed some more material for a project. While Charlotte picked up the material I crossed the road and filled the car at Sam's Club ($3.29 per gallon).

I crossed the road to pick up Charlotte; then we crossed the road for the 3rd time to go to Home Depot (next to Sam's Club). No luck on finding the folding door "T" here either.

OK! In a moment of weakness, we secumbed! We crossed the road again and went to Outbacks for supper. We realized we had not gone out for our traditional "Arrival Steak Dinner" yet. On arriving at our destination, it has always been a tradition to go out for a Steak Dinner.

Question: How do you know you're at a restaurant in "The Villages". The sign at the restaurant (red and white sign - bottom right) indicates that parking w/Chargers for Golf Carts is available in the rear.

I could not believe the size of Charlotte's Blue Cheese and Pecan Salad - it filled a large plate! BTW the 12 oz. filets - medium rare - were excellent.

We headed home, the back way, through Weirsdale, FL.

Our last stop was a Publix for a few grocery items - including a favourite from the bakery: Key Lime Pie. We are too stuffed from Outbacks to have a slice tonight; but, there is still tomorrow!

Deja Vu 3 - Another cold spell will hit tonight with temps that will feel like 32F with the windchill factored in.
Sounds like a "3 Dog Night". (It's an old term that refers to a cold night. The idea is that you'd need 3 dogs to sleep with to stay warm. Some say it originated with the Eskimos; but there is some dispute as others say it originated with the Australian Aborigines. A 3rd origin was that it came into being in the era before central heating when a cold night meant one needed to huddle with 3 dogs to keep warm.) No matter what - for Florida - it will be cold!

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