Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thu - 16 Jan/14

Although it is a nice sunny day, we are heading for another even colder day and night. The cold front will set record day and night lows in the area. The wind chill made the morning temps feel like freezing. Local schools are keeping the kids in at recess. Okay - that seems excessive if you are from the Great White North where the kids are kept inside at recess only when the temps are - 20 F; but this is Florida.

Charlotte had to wear her winter coat this morning as she went to quilting. Hopefully, her sewing machine carrier will keep her quilter warm until she arrives at the craft room.

While Charlotte was at crafts I  "Mickey Moused" a temporary fix for the folding door that snapped a plastic hanger. I made a plastic connection that works (to a degree) from a plastic curtain hanger. Flexing the door too much will cause the new hanger to pop out of the track. It is also a fraction too short. This makes snapping the door closed a little bit harder to do. Otherwise, it works.

"Mickey Mouse #2", the toilet vacuum breaker valve fix from yesterday, appears to be working. Since there are no leaks I decided to store the new replacement part I bought until needed. "If it ain't broke - don't (re) fix it".

(My) Urban Dictionary: "Mickey Mouse" = To temporarily fix a problem; usually not a permanent fix that works; but, nothing like the original. The kind of thing Duct Tape was invented for (grin).

Once again, I put my masterful Microwave skills to use to make lunch. Today's Gourmet Meal was Marie Callender's Chicken Pot Pie.

You're in luck! Today, in a moment of weakness, I am willing to share my secrets.

Read Carefully:

                       - Open; but, do not remove the pie.
                       - Place in the Microwave. Since our unit has a rotating tray, I like to place it "Off-Centre" for
                          more complete and even cooking.
                       - I deftly touched the "Quick Minute" button 5 times = 5 minutes on High.
                       - I removed when done and let rest in the box for 5 minutes.
                          (N.B. if cooking 2 pies; insert the second now. When done, it will be time to remove the                               first pie from the box (be careful, escaping steam will be hot). This is an old, multi-tasking,
                          efficiency trick. You will; however, have to set the Microwave Timer to 5 minutes to know
                          when the 2nd pot pie is done resting.)

I opened the box to show that it has a "Cooking Top" that heats up in the microwave and browns the top crust. The bottom container also aids in browning that part of the pot pie.

Our test kitchens are experimenting with container configurations for the "Resting" stage:

                   - Opening 1 end.
                   - Opening both ends.
                   - Closing 1 end.
                   - Closing both ends.

A "Press Release" will be issued revealing our conclusions (grin).

Finally, "The Piece d'Resistance", Dessert was a piece of the Key Lime Pie that we picked up at Publix last night. Hopefully, we can resist temptation and make this treat last for 3 meals.

A light supper of toast (love fresh bread); heavily buttered and smothered with Tupelo honey.

No evening events (that we do) at the park. I'll have to remember to let the tap drip to avoid freezing in the water line tonight.

Being Thursday, and a cold day, that's about it - other than TV until bedtime.

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