Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tue - 14 Jan/14

The TV alarm work this morning. We woke up on time to have breakfast and be on time for the meeting.

We headed for the "Newbies" meeting in the Rec Hall's Florida Room at 9 am. We took the car as we were in the middle of a downpour.

This RV Park prides itself in customer service. The owner, Carl (on the left), along with the husband and wife park manage team, meet once a month with all the guests. Newcomers to the park meet an hour prior to the regular meeting so they can be filled in on many of the parks features. This included detailed information on emergency procedures from the location of park defibrillators to how to give 911 your site location if  you need to be called them in an Emergency. Being an over 55 park - all the park staff are trained in using the Defibrillator and CPR. Now that's caring.

Carl touched on the history of the area (including Disney anecdotes) and the park which was very interesting. In the mid-80's, after a devastating deep freeze destroyed the citrus grove, it was decided to convert the property to an RV park.

I have always contended that "Really Smart People" don't know everything; but they know who does and are not afraid to take their advice. Carl, not being an RVer, sought out great advice and wasn't afraid to follow it.

When OMS (Olde Mill Stream) began in the mid-80's it was so far ahead of the curve that even the newest parks today still do not match their standards. They had the foresight to start out with 30/50 amp full service 40' x 60' sites with large poured concrete patios, all set on an angle for easier RV setup.

I decided on coming to OMS after a great deal of research on the Internet. This even included consulting Google Earth to get the "Lay of the Land" (Park Layout). I had hoped I had made a good decision; however, once I stepped into the office, I was sure. It was late Sunday afternoon and they office was closed, yet by the time I exited the RV someone was there with a friendly greeting. In fact, although the office has normal hours; at this park someone is just a phone call away - 24/7. At last winter's park (in AZ) we had to "Dry Camp" in the parking lot until Monday morning so we could check-in. What a difference!

On our arrival, as a long term (month or more) guests, we received over 100 pages of information that included 2 coil-bound books: "A Resident's Guide to the OMS Activities and Events 2013-2014" and "Adventures and Thing to Do in Lake and Surrounding Counties". Wow!

The regular meeting, in the Rec Hall's main room, started at 10 am. During the procedures, all the "Newbies" got to stand and introduce themselves and tell where they were from to the group. The park has numerous daily activities (too many to mention); however, at this meeting it is the mainly upcoming events on the monthly calendar that are covered. Several community events that are not on the OMS calendar; but might be of interest; are also explained.

As Carl mentioned, most of the RVers in the park come from rural areas, (Not too many folks living in Manhattan (NYC) are RVers). The small town ambience of Umatilla (FL) makes everyone feel "right at home"; yet anything that one might need is just a short, easy drive from the park.

By the end of the meeting the rain was down to a mist. Charlotte walked home while I picked up information from information from the reps from Nichols RV Service Center who were introduced and spoke briefly about their services at the meeting.

I inquired about their Mobile Service coming and doing a OBD II check on the RV's computer. The check engine light came on during the second day on our trip south. I suspect that the engine may have "blown" another oxygen sensor. The GM 8.1 gas engine has one sensor for each bank of cylinders. I had to replace one a few years ago and I am guessing it is the same problem.

If the check confirms this I will be able to get the part ordered and then replaced without even having to leave the park.

Being a cooler, rainy day lunch will be comfort food. Hey! I have advanced degrees in microwave "Quick Minute" techniques and can opening - so it will be Mini-Ravioli for lunch.

A good afternoon to relax and do a whole lot of nothing.

We went to Fast Bingo at 5:30 pm and were back at the RV in time for Jeopardy. We're getting better -each won once.

Tuesday is my favourite TV night - so that's it for today.

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