Friday, January 10, 2014

Fri - 10 Jan/14

As promised in yesterday's blog - we slept in, then watched TV in bed.

Egg Muffins for brunch.

A few glimpses of the sun today as it got up to the low 80'sF (Humidex = feels like 95F). Charlotte went over to the office to pick up tickets for events that we wished to attend during the month.

She also went to the Club House to sign up for other activities of interest. On her return she decided to sit out and enjoy the heat since it wasn't raining today.

A neighbour stopped in for a chat as he was passing by on his bike. Being a regular here for the past few years he filled us in on interesting places to eat and things to do. He also let us know that the park would come and spread "Red Ant Killer" on the ant hills on our property. It is folks like this that make RVing such a pleasure.

Charlotte made her second trip of the day to the office to place a request to have the ant hills treated. A short time later a park worker came and treated the ant hills. Ants may be cute in a child's Ant Farm display; however, these tiny devils like to bite. We will have to buy "Ant Traps" at the local hardware store to deal with those visiting us inside the RV.

Charlotte made a chicken stir-fry for supper which was really tasty.

Thanks to the computer club, I realized that there was a Wi-Fi tower closer to the RV than the Rec Hall Tower. This tower is 3 times closer than the previous tower I had connected to. Once I made this my default connection the signal and speed improved.

Being informed that the regular Bingo was always packed we decide to arrive a half hour early to get a spot. Good thing we did as the hall was full when we arrived with only a dozen or so seats left at the tables and it took a half hour just to mark the cards for the bingo. This was not like regular Bingo. Thankfully, we met a nice couple from Akron, OH who guided us through the process.

After purchasing a set of cards you pick up a 2 sheets. One shows images of bingo cards with titles. The other paper shows the colour (there are several coloured bingo sheets for the evening) and the title for the bingo on that card. (e.g. Blue card bingo = "W"). You must finding the matching image (in this case, titled "W") and you mark the Blue card (pen or highlighter) to match the outline shown.

During each round you mark only the called bingo numbers that are on the marked line drawn for that titled (e.g. "W") bingo. If I-30 is called; even though you have it, you do not mark it, as it is not on the "outline" for that particular bingo. If B-2 is called it would be marked as it is on the outline for the "W" Blue Bingo card. As usual, filling the outline means you yell "Bingo" and raise your hand immediately.

We were not lucky tonight; however, we had fun. Charlotte came close a few times - needing just 1 number. Close, as they say, only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

We will have to set the alarm - the Pancake Breakfast starts at 8 am tomorrow.

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