Monday, January 27, 2014

Fri - 17 Jan/14

Sunny, Clear and Cold this morning! The outside (electronic) thermometer show 34 F last night when we went to bed. I left the water dripping to keep the water line from freezing (just in case).

Sunny with a clear sky and a few wispy clouds.

We decided to just "Veg" today! Relaxing and watching TV will be the agenda - at least until Bingo at 6:30 pm.

The golf cart/trailer with a load of propane tanks just passed by. M/W/F is propane day at the park. Pay in the office prior and they will pick up your tank at your site, fill it, and return it. They will even hook it up again if requested. Like I said previously; this park prides itself in customer service. Motorhomes can drive to the filling area to refill; otherwise a local company will deliver to the site (requires 3 to sign up); however, they charge more and include a surcharge.

If I need propane before leaving I will borrow one of their tanks and use my extension hook-up until we leave.  I don't think this will happen - it is showing 3/4 full and I hope there won't be too many more cold fronts in the near future.

I received a reply from the company that made the folding door I (Mickey Mouse) repaired. They asked for the position that broke and the colour of the door. I replied and sent a picture (to save a 1000 words). My temporary fix (window blind hanger w/nut and bolt) is just a little too short to work well.

My cousin, Keith, sent a video of the "Dragon's Den" TV show that had the "FixMeStick" creators on seeking partners (w/$$$ support) for their invention. They were successful! Keith was the IT Tech for a major BC institute of higher learning until his retirement. He was also the one who informed my about this device and thanks to his advice I now have one.

FixMeStick is a Canadian (Montreal, QC) invention that plugs into a USB computer port and removes viruses, malware, ransomeware, spyware, trojans, rootkits and more that cannot be removed by software security programs. I use it regularly because RV Park Wi-Fi is usually on an unsecure internet router.

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