Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wed - 29 Jan/14

Brrrrrr! Shiver! Fairly steady and sometimes heavy rain during the night as the cold front moved in.

The cold has hit the south. It is mid-40's F here; however, the jetstream has left the southern USA in a state of emergency. They do not have the equipment to clean off the snow or to de-ice the highways. They also do not know how to drive in those conditions. In Atlanta school children have been stranded overnight on their buses. Everybody headed for home at 1 pm yesterday. Not a good move. With all the accidents they only succeeded in turning the highways into parking lots.

I'm sure our daughters can remember our adventures when we went to the Hunstville, AL Space Camp. An inch of snow put Alabama in a 4 day state of emergency with everything closed. The only cars on the road were vacationers from Canada or the northern U.S. - everyone else was in the ditch.

Charlotte had to bundle up to go to Quilting this morning. Ditto for the Craft classes in the afternoon.

Kat (daughter) phoned to give an update on the surprise (Aunt Cathy came to Ingleside from Ottawa) lunch get together with Liz (daughter) for Liz's upcoming birthday. Kat said, "It was yummy!"

Today was "use the left-overs" day. Lunch was wings from Pizza Hut. Still tasty!

I stayed in the RV and worked on what I hope is the last computer problem. On-line banking was inserting my birthdate instead of using the current date. Eventually, I found that a program was mistakenly inserting my birth month and day into the month and day field for the current payment date. This caused the banking program to pay bills post-dated to my birthday. Called for Support Help from RBC or Quicken; but, they didn't have a solution. Thankfully, I finally figured it out and all is now back to normal. Once again I can pay our bills on-line.

I can't believe it is time to re-do our medications. We fill the pill keepers for 3 weeks at a time and it is time to do it again. Time flies when your having fun! I did this task while Charlotte was at Crafts. That only took an hour and a half. (If you haven't guessed - we take a lot of medication).

With the wind chill making it feel like freezing it was not a day for doing anything outside. It will be warmer tomorrow and back to the 80's F by Saturday.

Supper was the remaining Fajitas from Chili's. Again, just as tasty the second time around.

 No park activities (that we do) this evening - just TV, then bed.

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