Monday, January 13, 2014

Mon - 13 Jan/14

Charlotte's first job today was to put the tablecloth on the picnic table and fasten it down with the clips we found yesterday (after 3 days and several stops searching).

I noticed a neighbour getting his lot sprayed for ants by a commercial company. The RV park did spread ant killer on the ant hills and we bought ant traps for inside the RV; however, I was concerned that nothing was done about the area under the RV. I ask the nice young man (Cory) if he could squeeze me into his schedule;. He did and this extra effort was greatly appreciated. I have the company information so I can call when another spray is required.

I made lunch using the induction cooktop. I really like cooking with it. It cooks quickly with little residual heat both in the cookware and the surrounding air.

Charlotte decided to walk to today's craft class as it was another comfortable, low humidity day. Today they would be working on necklaces using Russet Potatoes. Today, the task was to cut the potato into tiny squares and string them on a wire to dry.

While Charlotte was at crafts I replace a burnt out bulb over the entrance door. The task itself was not difficult. The 2 minute job took half an hour because I had to dig the folding ladder out of the storage compartments. (Now I know why many folks just tie them to their RV ladder). I re-arranged the compartments so the ladder is now to the front rather than at the back. Next time I will not have to unload everything to get it out.

Charlotte made BLT's for supper. Really great with the super fresh tomatoes that we picked up at Renniger's Twin Markets yesterday.

We rounded up a few extra markers for the regular Bingo in the Rec Hall at 7 pm. Someone was headed over at 5:30. We should be able to mark our cards and be ready if we get there by 6:15. Those who play several cards at once probably do need to be there at 5:30 to get them all marked.

Charlotte decided on Decaf rather than regular coffee - didn't want to be wide awake after the Bingo when it is time for bed.

Neither of us had a Bingo. I was just 1 number away once. We were surprised after the first bingo to receive the good neighbour prize. We think it goes to the folks closest to the winner of the Bingo.

Although we did not win a Bingo - my "Horse" came in. Before the Bingo it is possible to "Play the Horses". Each envelope has a line for 15 names. You pay $1 and sign your name after any of the available numbers. The sooner you sign up the more choices you have. When I went there were only 3 choices left: 1,3,and 4. Each number corresponds to the numbers (from 1 to 15) that are under the "B". The "Horse Race" Bingo runs simultaneously with the last regular "Fill the Card" Bingo The first line of numbers (Down) completed on the board is the winning line. #3 won because the called numbers: B-3; I-18; N-33, G-48 and O-63 made the line under the #3 the first to be completed. The winners names (on the sign-in line #3 on the envelopes) are called out and they are paid, then the game that was in progress continues. Tonight's race had 6 winners.

During any game you are likely to be entertained by a wide range of sounds from bells to a menagerie of "Barnyard" sounds, as specific numbers are called. e.g. When the number 22 is called there a falsetto chorus of "Too-Too" immediately follows.

As we went to bed I set the TV alarm to wake us up early enough to make the "New Residents" meeting tomorrow. I had to be careful not to make the same mistake as last week by setting it for the wrong day.

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