Monday, January 27, 2014

Tue - 28 Jan/14

The Hot Water Heater quit working. After checking out everything I could I determined (guessed) it was a faulty eco-therm. Actually, I called my son-in-law Nick (Nick's Mobile RV Service - Ingleside, ON). He is the best RV Tech - bar none.

I then went to Camping World and picked up an Atwood Eco-Therm Kit and installed it. All is now OK. Well, to a degree, the Gas ignite sometimes requires a retry. I also have a slow drip from the pressure relief valve. I will have to get Nick to do a tune-up when we get back.

I will let it run today and tomorrow will put on the stick on protective foam cover.

I can't believe I found my "Blue Ant". It is a wireless ear piece that connects to my iPhone for hands-free operation. I have been looking for it for months. Checked all over the house and the RV. Today it suddenly appeared on the floor by the Lounge Chair. It must have somehow fallen on the floor then stuck under the lounger. Even though the lounger has been moved several times and travel thousands of miles the Blue Ant remained hidden. A little bump on the lounger must have made it shake loose today. It is now plugged in to charge.

Dropped the garbage at the compactor them went to the office to pay for next month. Our Electricity for the month was $104.00. The park pays the first $50. They indicated that most motorhomes using electric heat are about $30 more - so we did well. P.S. The staff here are the best I have encountered - and friendly, to boot.

We reserved until May 1st; however, we are paying by the month. We are not sure how we will fare in the humidity of Florida when it gets warmer. We are use to the "Dry Heat" of Arizona. At 100 F in AZ we still do not turn on the AC as it is comfortable; yet, at home in humidity the AC is on at 70 F.

We usually go to AZ for 4 months in the winter. Now that we are both over 65 our "Out-of-Country" medical plan does not run continuously. We have to return to our home province within 75 days, stay 24 hours, then we are covered for another 75 days. Returning would be a 2 day drive from Florida - a lot easier and cheaper than returning from AZ. If we cannot take the humidity after we return home for the 24 hours we then will.... "Go West Old Man". We hope we can manage the humidity when it gets hotter as this is a great RV Park.

Got a picture from the Great White North. Cousin Bob is enjoying his daily exercise - not!

Picked up the mail. It had an envelope from the manufacturer of the folding door in the RV. I checked everywhere and could not get the proper size hanger required to replace the one that broke. In desperation I emailed the company and they responded immediately. They sent me 3 hangers with rivets.

The only problem was I had no tool to be able to install the rivet. Charlotte's "Crop-a Dial" would work on a a flat piece of material; however, it was to big to slide into the gap.

I finally was able to insert a small nut and bolt w/lock washer. We now have a door that slides properly.

It was a nice day today to enjoy a convertible drive in the Del Sol. That was all the excuse we needed to go to Chili's for lunch. Charlotte had fajitas w/soup. I had Texas Cheese Fries minus the Jalapenos.

This is the first time I have seen a Ziosk. Each table had one. It is like a miniature iPAd that can be used by the patrons. You can play games, re-order drink refills, dessert, etc. I even paid the bill w/tip on the my credit card right from the table. Neat!

Made several stops after lunch. Charlotte went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and then Michaels for some craft items. I went to Staples for printer ink.

We got back to the park just on time for Fast Bingo at 5:30 p.m. We are getting better and almost won enough to cover our cost - most of all it is a fun time.

Back to the RV in time for most of Jeopardy. Watched NCIS and then had to turn to the non-network channels as President Obama was delivering the State of the Union address on all the main networks.

Charlotte did a little Swedish Weaving on Huck Toweling. I set up the computer to make automatic backups. I hope that if there is another catastrophic failure it won't take days to recover.

This was a busy, busy day.

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