Friday, January 31, 2014

Fri - 31 Jan/14

Still raining - enjoyed it overnight - daytime, not so much. We only received a few inches of rain - areas to the south much more. This was a bad week for those coming south for the sun. At least it is warming up to the mid-60's F today.

Today Central Florida is one big fog bowl. They thought it would burn-off by 8 or 9 a.m. It took until 2 p.m to begin to brighten; but still gloomy and overcast.

Charlotte finished stringing the craft project necklace she made (imagine - made useing Russet Potatoes). Looks Neat!

She also cut out the pieces for the upcoming purse project.

We phoned Liz (daughter) at noon to wish her happy birthday. She was shopping for their upcoming Super Bowl Party. They are expecting another major snowstorm up north early next week - that will keep Nick busy snowplowing.

Charlotte spent time in the afternoon ironing the the purse project pieces.

I continued to sort and vacuum the "Computer Area" of the RV.

We decided to skip the Regular Bingo this evening. The Rec Hall is so close it would be odd to drive yet we didn't feel like walking in the rain.

We will save our energy for the weekend. It may have thunderstorms; however, it will be hot (low 80's F).

Just a relaxing TV night.

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