Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Tue - 7 Jan/14

Wow! Temps below freezing last night. The "Polar Vortex" is the new "politically correct" term for what they used to just call "Cold Air From Canada".

The local oranges are ready for pressing into orange juice. The growers were watering their trees to save the crop. The icy coating actually prevents the oranges from freezing on the inside even though they have icicles on the outside. The coating keeps the freezing wind from chilling the oranges even more. If ice crystals form on the inside they would not be prime for pressing.

The clear blue skies are giving plenty of sunshine; however, it will only get up to 45F (wind chill 39F) and just stay above freezing this evening. It is hard to believe it will be back into the 80'sF by the weekend.

Charlotte walked over to the office to get tickets ($3 each) for Tacos-in-a-Bag on Sunday. Signing up is new this year. They found there was either too much waste or not enough supplies last year by offering it without a sign-up. Now they will know how the amount of supplies will needed by the number of tickets purchased.

Charlotte also went to check if she could purchase a role of dimes for Fast Bingo today (5 pm - 7 pm). The park provides long term stays with a detailed guide to activities and events with complete instructions - what a bonus. It is called "Fast Bingo" because they just call the numbers (quickly). We will not hear "Under the B" tonight. Each player requires $4.50 in dimes and $0.75 in nickels to play.

As we live on the border of NY state we save the "American" coins that we regularly receive in our change during the year. We had enough change to supply one player for the game; however, we needed about $4.00 for the second set. No dimes were available at the office and they didn't know if any would be available at the game. We will just bring extra nickles and hope for the best.

Lunch was Red Baron French Bread Pizza to which we add extra pepperoni, cheese, onions and green pepper. Not only is this a good pizza - it fits perfectly in our freezer. It just takes 3 minutes on high in the microwave and we have an excellent meal.

Charlotte spent part of the afternoon completing a sample of Swedish Embroidery that she will show to the Craft group tomorrow.

Saw a few more RVers roll in this afternoon. The park is probably very close to capacity. The few empty spots may be seasonals that haven't arrived yet.

Ooops! We went to the Rec Hall for Fast Bingo. We realized our mistake, returned to the RV and drove to the other end of the park arriving just in time. 

The wonderful thing about RVing is that folks are so helpful. Realizing we were first-timers they pitched in to get us set up and to explain the rules. Soon we each had a borrowed Bingo Dauber to mark our cards. Someone lent us a container for our winnings ( I was lucky twice) and we were able to buy enough "Change" to get through the game. Tom and Chris not only helped us through the game; but sold us a few rolls of dimes and nickels so we would be ready for the next session on Thursday. RVing - were else can you go and have complete strangers treat you like friends.

Not being Bingo regulars we realized that we missed a few "Bingos" - not finding them until the next round had started. Amazingly, we played 105 games in about an hour and a half - it is truly :Fast Bingo". We had a great time thanks to everyone that helped and are looking forward to Thursday's session!

Back to the RV on time for the last half of Jeopardy. Tuesday is my favourite TV night - NCIS and Person of Interest. Charlotte has to be at the multi-purpose building by 9 am tomorrow morning for the Quilting session so it will be bed right after with the News on Timer. I bet we won't make it to the end.

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