Thursday, January 02, 2014

Thu - Jan 2/14

After a more hectic than usual 3 days on the road we are now starting to get caught up with our rest thanks to today being an overcast, rainy day.

The rain came in waves with strong winds until around 2 pm when it began to let up.

As the rain lightened to occasional we headed out to Sam's Club in Lady Lake, FL. We started off towards Eustis, Tavares, Leesburg, Fruitland Park and finally Lady Lake, FL. Most of the roads were 4 or 6 lanes wide with sections of fairly heavy traffic.

We stopped at the office as we left. I requested a table for our site while Charlotte went to the Rec Hall to register for the "Bean Soup" meal on Saturday. OMS (Olde Mill Stream RV Resort) provides the main course for the "Pot Luck" meals while guests that sign up indicate what they will be bringing to share. Charlotte noticed most signed up for salads  or desserts so she decided to bring a tray of assorted pickles.

The first task at Sam's Club was to fill up the Del Sol at the gas bar. We saved $0.35 a gallon over the highest posted price that we saw today.

We purchased mostly meats, soft drinks, water or paper items that we do not bring across the border when we head south from Canada.

I offered Chili's for supper; however, Charotte realized we were getting tired and decided on having supper at Sam's Club. Cost: $1.70 (x 2) for a great Nathan's Hot Dog and large soft drink for each of us!

We crossed the road to finish our planned shopping. Charlotte picked up yarn in 3 pretty colours at Jo-Ann Fabrics while I went to Best Buy for printer ink.

Charlotte knits dozens of baby hats and toques that she donates to the Red Cross, hospitals or other organizations. This year some went to an Inuit (Eskimo) community in Canada's North; Haiti and other places.

We returned to the RV by a different route. After leaving US-27 we came back on CR-42 to SR-19 which turns into Main Street in Umatilla, FL which is where OMS is located. This will probably be our main path to this area being it is only 2 lanes, scenic and less congested.

We were back at the RV by 8:30 pm. We were surprized to find the table we requested already on our site even though we said, "No Hurry - wait until it stops raining." Now that's service!

We transferred most of the groceries from the car to the motorhome. I left some large items in the trunk as it had started raining heavily again.. The water and soft drinks will go into the outside storage tomorrow until needed.

Typed the blog while listening to the local news. Although it was over 70 F today a cold front is coming in bringing the night temps into the low 40's F. Still beats the -40 F back home!

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