Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thu - 30 Jan/14

Steady rain all through the night. I really like listening to it fall on the RV roof. It reminds me of my youth. No central air in those days. During rain storms I would pull my bed underneath the window to listen to the rain bouncing on the tin roof that covered the back porch. Best sleeping medicine in the world!

Overcast all day with the rain becoming less and less. The temps raised from yesterday into the mid-50's F. It will be in the 80's F by Friday.

Charlotte was off to quilting without her sewing machine. Today was a day for cutting out all the quilt pieces.

I vacuumed and did a little straightening up while Charlotte was at quilting.

That was it for today. We even skipped Fast Bingo. It is at an odd time - 5:30 p.m. That makes supper at 4:30 or 7:30. It was too soon to eat before and we didn't feel like waiting until 7:30 so we skipped it and had supper at 6 p.m.

With the gloomy weather it was just a good day to rest and watch TV after supper.

We didn't even take a picture today.

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