Friday, January 31, 2014

Fri - 31 Jan/14

Still raining - enjoyed it overnight - daytime, not so much. We only received a few inches of rain - areas to the south much more. This was a bad week for those coming south for the sun. At least it is warming up to the mid-60's F today.

Today Central Florida is one big fog bowl. They thought it would burn-off by 8 or 9 a.m. It took until 2 p.m to begin to brighten; but still gloomy and overcast.

Charlotte finished stringing the craft project necklace she made (imagine - made useing Russet Potatoes). Looks Neat!

She also cut out the pieces for the upcoming purse project.

We phoned Liz (daughter) at noon to wish her happy birthday. She was shopping for their upcoming Super Bowl Party. They are expecting another major snowstorm up north early next week - that will keep Nick busy snowplowing.

Charlotte spent time in the afternoon ironing the the purse project pieces.

I continued to sort and vacuum the "Computer Area" of the RV.

We decided to skip the Regular Bingo this evening. The Rec Hall is so close it would be odd to drive yet we didn't feel like walking in the rain.

We will save our energy for the weekend. It may have thunderstorms; however, it will be hot (low 80's F).

Just a relaxing TV night.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thu - 30 Jan/14

Steady rain all through the night. I really like listening to it fall on the RV roof. It reminds me of my youth. No central air in those days. During rain storms I would pull my bed underneath the window to listen to the rain bouncing on the tin roof that covered the back porch. Best sleeping medicine in the world!

Overcast all day with the rain becoming less and less. The temps raised from yesterday into the mid-50's F. It will be in the 80's F by Friday.

Charlotte was off to quilting without her sewing machine. Today was a day for cutting out all the quilt pieces.

I vacuumed and did a little straightening up while Charlotte was at quilting.

That was it for today. We even skipped Fast Bingo. It is at an odd time - 5:30 p.m. That makes supper at 4:30 or 7:30. It was too soon to eat before and we didn't feel like waiting until 7:30 so we skipped it and had supper at 6 p.m.

With the gloomy weather it was just a good day to rest and watch TV after supper.

We didn't even take a picture today.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wed - 29 Jan/14

Brrrrrr! Shiver! Fairly steady and sometimes heavy rain during the night as the cold front moved in.

The cold has hit the south. It is mid-40's F here; however, the jetstream has left the southern USA in a state of emergency. They do not have the equipment to clean off the snow or to de-ice the highways. They also do not know how to drive in those conditions. In Atlanta school children have been stranded overnight on their buses. Everybody headed for home at 1 pm yesterday. Not a good move. With all the accidents they only succeeded in turning the highways into parking lots.

I'm sure our daughters can remember our adventures when we went to the Hunstville, AL Space Camp. An inch of snow put Alabama in a 4 day state of emergency with everything closed. The only cars on the road were vacationers from Canada or the northern U.S. - everyone else was in the ditch.

Charlotte had to bundle up to go to Quilting this morning. Ditto for the Craft classes in the afternoon.

Kat (daughter) phoned to give an update on the surprise (Aunt Cathy came to Ingleside from Ottawa) lunch get together with Liz (daughter) for Liz's upcoming birthday. Kat said, "It was yummy!"

Today was "use the left-overs" day. Lunch was wings from Pizza Hut. Still tasty!

I stayed in the RV and worked on what I hope is the last computer problem. On-line banking was inserting my birthdate instead of using the current date. Eventually, I found that a program was mistakenly inserting my birth month and day into the month and day field for the current payment date. This caused the banking program to pay bills post-dated to my birthday. Called for Support Help from RBC or Quicken; but, they didn't have a solution. Thankfully, I finally figured it out and all is now back to normal. Once again I can pay our bills on-line.

I can't believe it is time to re-do our medications. We fill the pill keepers for 3 weeks at a time and it is time to do it again. Time flies when your having fun! I did this task while Charlotte was at Crafts. That only took an hour and a half. (If you haven't guessed - we take a lot of medication).

With the wind chill making it feel like freezing it was not a day for doing anything outside. It will be warmer tomorrow and back to the 80's F by Saturday.

Supper was the remaining Fajitas from Chili's. Again, just as tasty the second time around.

 No park activities (that we do) this evening - just TV, then bed.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Tue - 28 Jan/14

The Hot Water Heater quit working. After checking out everything I could I determined (guessed) it was a faulty eco-therm. Actually, I called my son-in-law Nick (Nick's Mobile RV Service - Ingleside, ON). He is the best RV Tech - bar none.

I then went to Camping World and picked up an Atwood Eco-Therm Kit and installed it. All is now OK. Well, to a degree, the Gas ignite sometimes requires a retry. I also have a slow drip from the pressure relief valve. I will have to get Nick to do a tune-up when we get back.

I will let it run today and tomorrow will put on the stick on protective foam cover.

I can't believe I found my "Blue Ant". It is a wireless ear piece that connects to my iPhone for hands-free operation. I have been looking for it for months. Checked all over the house and the RV. Today it suddenly appeared on the floor by the Lounge Chair. It must have somehow fallen on the floor then stuck under the lounger. Even though the lounger has been moved several times and travel thousands of miles the Blue Ant remained hidden. A little bump on the lounger must have made it shake loose today. It is now plugged in to charge.

Dropped the garbage at the compactor them went to the office to pay for next month. Our Electricity for the month was $104.00. The park pays the first $50. They indicated that most motorhomes using electric heat are about $30 more - so we did well. P.S. The staff here are the best I have encountered - and friendly, to boot.

We reserved until May 1st; however, we are paying by the month. We are not sure how we will fare in the humidity of Florida when it gets warmer. We are use to the "Dry Heat" of Arizona. At 100 F in AZ we still do not turn on the AC as it is comfortable; yet, at home in humidity the AC is on at 70 F.

We usually go to AZ for 4 months in the winter. Now that we are both over 65 our "Out-of-Country" medical plan does not run continuously. We have to return to our home province within 75 days, stay 24 hours, then we are covered for another 75 days. Returning would be a 2 day drive from Florida - a lot easier and cheaper than returning from AZ. If we cannot take the humidity after we return home for the 24 hours we then will.... "Go West Old Man". We hope we can manage the humidity when it gets hotter as this is a great RV Park.

Got a picture from the Great White North. Cousin Bob is enjoying his daily exercise - not!

Picked up the mail. It had an envelope from the manufacturer of the folding door in the RV. I checked everywhere and could not get the proper size hanger required to replace the one that broke. In desperation I emailed the company and they responded immediately. They sent me 3 hangers with rivets.

The only problem was I had no tool to be able to install the rivet. Charlotte's "Crop-a Dial" would work on a a flat piece of material; however, it was to big to slide into the gap.

I finally was able to insert a small nut and bolt w/lock washer. We now have a door that slides properly.

It was a nice day today to enjoy a convertible drive in the Del Sol. That was all the excuse we needed to go to Chili's for lunch. Charlotte had fajitas w/soup. I had Texas Cheese Fries minus the Jalapenos.

This is the first time I have seen a Ziosk. Each table had one. It is like a miniature iPAd that can be used by the patrons. You can play games, re-order drink refills, dessert, etc. I even paid the bill w/tip on the my credit card right from the table. Neat!

Made several stops after lunch. Charlotte went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and then Michaels for some craft items. I went to Staples for printer ink.

We got back to the park just on time for Fast Bingo at 5:30 p.m. We are getting better and almost won enough to cover our cost - most of all it is a fun time.

Back to the RV in time for most of Jeopardy. Watched NCIS and then had to turn to the non-network channels as President Obama was delivering the State of the Union address on all the main networks.

Charlotte did a little Swedish Weaving on Huck Toweling. I set up the computer to make automatic backups. I hope that if there is another catastrophic failure it won't take days to recover.

This was a busy, busy day.
Mon - 27 Jan/14

This will update the several days that we could not "blog" with the computer down. It will be in synopsis form.

Sat - 18 Jan/14

We went to Staples in Lady Lake, FL for assistance. I found out that the Staples Canadian Warranty was not valid in the U.S. They also advised me to return on Monday when the "Techs" would be in.

Charlotte went to Target and purchased a few items while I was at Staples. We enjoy the "Top Off" travel in the Del Sol. That's about it for today.

Sun - 19 Jan/14

Park Staff knocked on our RV door and gave us a note. Friends from Mexico phoned the park because they could not reach us. Our home phone is on hiatus while we travel and they did not have our new cell phone number. They noticed the blog was not on and were concerned. We called immediately to explain the situation.

Mon - 20 Jan/14

We went to Staples in Lady Lake, FL early this morning. They immediately checked the computer out on the counter top.

I drove Charlotte back to the RV park for Crafts at 1 pm.

Charlotte finished a really neat fabric bowl using her sewing machine in the RV.

We both returned to Staples just before 4 pm to pick up the computer.  Peter and the gang were Super! The computer Keys were recovered and the factory original restore started after I saved the main data files to my 2 TB hard drive. I was also able to go on-line to my blog so I could indicate the computer had crashed and updates would be missing for a while. Unfortunately, I could not reply to my emails at that time. I phoned the kind folks who emailed concerns (greatly appreciated) when they noticed the blog was not posted.

I could have left the computer at Staples until it would be ready (a few days); however, I decided to put the computer into "Sleep Mode" and left it running on battery. I would wake it up when I got it back to the RV and continue to finish the restore.

At 6 pm it was time for Regular Bingo. The Bingo starts at 7 pm; however, it takes 15 minutes to fill in the set of cards if you buy a single set. Many buy double sets. A form for the night tells what style of Bingo will be called on what colour card. See blogs for Fri - 10 Jan/14 then Mon - 13 Jan/14 for more detailed info. No "Bingo" yet.

Charlotte made snacks (Ritz/Cheese/Pepperoni/Pickles) for supper after the Bingo. Yummy!

Tue - 21 Jan/14

Laundry day! We have been so busy with park activities we went right down to our last set of clothes - now we had to do the laundry. 4 laundry hampers and 2 folding containers full - now that's a load.

The laundry room is in the same building as the Rec Hall so, near the end, (a few hours later) during the drying cycles Charlotte went to the Chinese Silent Auction in the hall. Since this was the first time they had this type of event at the park they were not sure on how many folks would come. No need to worry - the line was so long for tickets it took Charlotte 20 minutes to get hers. 

Where's Waldo? Can you spot Charlotte in the line? (Hint: red & white stripes like Waldo - grin).

The auction was in support of a local charity. Tickets were $5 for 20. You put your name on a ticket and placed it into a basket in front of the item. 

They had a wide selection of donated items to bid on - often being a gift certificate for a meal, haircut, or other service. 

I returned to the laundry to watch the paint (clothes) dry then folded/hung them as they were ready. The laundry was quite busy with several others present.

Wed - 22 Jan/14

Charlotte was off to Quilting for 9 am. Winter coats are needed as a cold spell came through. We had to leave the water drip to prevent the pipes (hose) from freezing. I worked on the computer restore until it was time to pick her up at noon.

Charlotte went to Crafts at 1 pm while I continued to work on the computer restore (what else).

Charlotte had a fun making a Valentine, Birthday and Friendship card. They are really nice; however, nothing like our friend Helene creates - hers are unique and priceless and we look forward to receiving one on our special occasions. Helene's card are so nice Charlotte keeps them in a special place.

Thu - 23 Jan/14

Thursday morning we took it easy.

Charlotte made great Sub Sandwiches for lunch. Mmmmm!

Fast Bingo at 5 pm. We are getting better. Won enough to cover the cost for one of us for the next session.

Fri - 24 Jan/14

We went shopping in Lady Lake, FL in the afternoon. Charlotte went to Jo-Ann Fabrics to get some materials for the crafts classes. I filled up at Sam's Club across the road while she shopped. We then went to Chick-Fil-A to pick up sandwiches to eat as we drove back to the RV park.

We knew we wouldn't have time to make lunch in the RV before the big event for the day: the 50's & 60's Dance in the Rec Hall.

The hall was packed to capacity. Solid Gold (Wally & Scott) are a duo that specializes in the 50's & 60's era music. They have teamed up to form one of Daytona' hottest duos. They worked together many years ago in the highly popular "Hitmen" band. They play songs from the 50's thru the 80's. With Scott on Vocals and Wally on Guitar, Keys & Vocals you get a duo that sounds as full as a 10 piece band.

We mostly danced the "Slow" songs with a few favourite Rock 'n Roll fast ones thrown in. Between songs we had interesting conversations with other RVer's from Ontario. It was a fun evening.

Sat - 25 Jan/14

Today we just relaxed. I worked on the computer. All seems OK! I am now defragmenting and aligning files on the computer and the 2 TB portable hard drive and performing other tasks to speed up the system. This will take a long time. I left it running overnight.

Sun - 26/Jan/14

The computer is still aligning the files.

We went to a MASA (Medical Air Services Association) meeting at noon in the Rec Hall. We are lifetime members and attended as a refresher course. MASA Assist provides emergency air transportation, organ retrieval, organ recipient transportation, repatriation/recuperation, return transportation repatriation/recuperation, return transportation, escort transportation, non-injury transport, minor children return, vehicle return and mortal remains transport at absolutely no cost (except membership). There are no medical requirements and coverage is worldwide (must notify if travelling in areas under conflict to see if coverage will apply). all flights and services are covered completely free of cost - even if you are at home. 
  • No deductibles
  • No claim forms
  • No age limits
  • No health questions
  • No dollar limits
 Bonus: a Sub sandwich lunch to eat Ron and Bobbi explained the plan. The presentation was great and all questions were answered. I would recommend this plan to all - even non-RVers who travel.

After MASA we went to the Flea Market of Marion. Found the glass butter dish we wanted. We bought some fresh veggies and then seccumbed to weakness and bought a bag of fresh mini-doughnuts (1 dozen each).

We made it back to the park in time for the Fast Bingo. We finally won enough to almost cover the cost.

We decided to skip the Trivia Night. The need for Pizza and Wings called. Pizza Hut is just across the road (shucks). Hunger trumps Trivia Night every time.

Back at the RV I let the computer run overnight to finish optimization.

That's concludes the last several (missing) days of the blog in synopsis form. 
Mon - 27 Jan/14

Wow! 10 days since I have been able to blog.

The computer was downloading Windows Updates when the screen suddenly went blank. I was able to discover that the video driver was not launching due to a corrupt file. I discovered I could not do a system restore. I think this was because the restore was made using Windows 7 and I had converted to Windows 8.

I used the park computer in the Rec Hall to download the video card driver onto a chip then re-installed - no luck. I had my Windows 8 install disk; but, I was missing the Key needed to re-install so I could not use it. Although I had the keys listed on the computer not being able to see a screen meant I could not see the keys (or anything else on the blank screen). I went to Staples in Lady Lake, FL on Saturday. They recommended I come in on Monday when the "Techs" would be in and they could help.

I returned on Monday and they were fantastic. The have programs that read the keys I needed for Windows 8 and Windows Office so I could re-install. I returned and then discovered that since my Windows 8 was an update it would not install until Windows 7 was installed.

Bad News!

That meant I had to re-install using the original set that would erase everything on the disk. It would restore the computer to the original factory condition and I would lose all my programs and data.

Good News!

I had a 2 TB (Terrabyte) portable hard drive with me with plenty of room to do this.

Bad News!

That meant it would take a long time to copy so much data.

Good News!

Successfully copied the data I needed - that only took until the next morning.

Bad News!

It it took days (slow park Wi-Fi) to download and install almost 300 Windows Updates. This would have only been a few hours at home on high speed cable internet. It probably would have taken another few days had I re-installed Windows 8. Then I had to re-install all my programs after the factory re-set.

Finally, 10 days later (mid-morning today) all seems ready to go.

Good News!

The computer is probably running better and faster than ever.

A special thanks to the several folks who were concerned about our state of affairs when they noticed the blog was not posted. This was greatly appreciated.

I will cover that past 10 days in synopsis form and that will be up shortly.

Fri - 17 Jan/14

Sunny, Clear and Cold this morning! The outside (electronic) thermometer show 34 F last night when we went to bed. I left the water dripping to keep the water line from freezing (just in case).

Sunny with a clear sky and a few wispy clouds.

We decided to just "Veg" today! Relaxing and watching TV will be the agenda - at least until Bingo at 6:30 pm.

The golf cart/trailer with a load of propane tanks just passed by. M/W/F is propane day at the park. Pay in the office prior and they will pick up your tank at your site, fill it, and return it. They will even hook it up again if requested. Like I said previously; this park prides itself in customer service. Motorhomes can drive to the filling area to refill; otherwise a local company will deliver to the site (requires 3 to sign up); however, they charge more and include a surcharge.

If I need propane before leaving I will borrow one of their tanks and use my extension hook-up until we leave.  I don't think this will happen - it is showing 3/4 full and I hope there won't be too many more cold fronts in the near future.

I received a reply from the company that made the folding door I (Mickey Mouse) repaired. They asked for the position that broke and the colour of the door. I replied and sent a picture (to save a 1000 words). My temporary fix (window blind hanger w/nut and bolt) is just a little too short to work well.

My cousin, Keith, sent a video of the "Dragon's Den" TV show that had the "FixMeStick" creators on seeking partners (w/$$$ support) for their invention. They were successful! Keith was the IT Tech for a major BC institute of higher learning until his retirement. He was also the one who informed my about this device and thanks to his advice I now have one.

FixMeStick is a Canadian (Montreal, QC) invention that plugs into a USB computer port and removes viruses, malware, ransomeware, spyware, trojans, rootkits and more that cannot be removed by software security programs. I use it regularly because RV Park Wi-Fi is usually on an unsecure internet router.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mon - Jan 20/14





Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thu - 16 Jan/14

Although it is a nice sunny day, we are heading for another even colder day and night. The cold front will set record day and night lows in the area. The wind chill made the morning temps feel like freezing. Local schools are keeping the kids in at recess. Okay - that seems excessive if you are from the Great White North where the kids are kept inside at recess only when the temps are - 20 F; but this is Florida.

Charlotte had to wear her winter coat this morning as she went to quilting. Hopefully, her sewing machine carrier will keep her quilter warm until she arrives at the craft room.

While Charlotte was at crafts I  "Mickey Moused" a temporary fix for the folding door that snapped a plastic hanger. I made a plastic connection that works (to a degree) from a plastic curtain hanger. Flexing the door too much will cause the new hanger to pop out of the track. It is also a fraction too short. This makes snapping the door closed a little bit harder to do. Otherwise, it works.

"Mickey Mouse #2", the toilet vacuum breaker valve fix from yesterday, appears to be working. Since there are no leaks I decided to store the new replacement part I bought until needed. "If it ain't broke - don't (re) fix it".

(My) Urban Dictionary: "Mickey Mouse" = To temporarily fix a problem; usually not a permanent fix that works; but, nothing like the original. The kind of thing Duct Tape was invented for (grin).

Once again, I put my masterful Microwave skills to use to make lunch. Today's Gourmet Meal was Marie Callender's Chicken Pot Pie.

You're in luck! Today, in a moment of weakness, I am willing to share my secrets.

Read Carefully:

                       - Open; but, do not remove the pie.
                       - Place in the Microwave. Since our unit has a rotating tray, I like to place it "Off-Centre" for
                          more complete and even cooking.
                       - I deftly touched the "Quick Minute" button 5 times = 5 minutes on High.
                       - I removed when done and let rest in the box for 5 minutes.
                          (N.B. if cooking 2 pies; insert the second now. When done, it will be time to remove the                               first pie from the box (be careful, escaping steam will be hot). This is an old, multi-tasking,
                          efficiency trick. You will; however, have to set the Microwave Timer to 5 minutes to know
                          when the 2nd pot pie is done resting.)

I opened the box to show that it has a "Cooking Top" that heats up in the microwave and browns the top crust. The bottom container also aids in browning that part of the pot pie.

Our test kitchens are experimenting with container configurations for the "Resting" stage:

                   - Opening 1 end.
                   - Opening both ends.
                   - Closing 1 end.
                   - Closing both ends.

A "Press Release" will be issued revealing our conclusions (grin).

Finally, "The Piece d'Resistance", Dessert was a piece of the Key Lime Pie that we picked up at Publix last night. Hopefully, we can resist temptation and make this treat last for 3 meals.

A light supper of toast (love fresh bread); heavily buttered and smothered with Tupelo honey.

No evening events (that we do) at the park. I'll have to remember to let the tap drip to avoid freezing in the water line tonight.

Being Thursday, and a cold day, that's about it - other than TV until bedtime.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wed - 15 Jan/14

The TV alarm is working fine - Darn! That means we are up at 7:30 am. Oh Well! We need to as a number of events start at 9 am.

This morning I dropped Charlotte off at the Quilting Group for 9 am. Then I went out looking for an RV part. The Vacuum Breaker on the toilet started leaking last night. It has extremely tiny pinhole leaks that spray water onto the floor when the toilet is flushed.

No luck at nearby RV part places; but they could order one. That's no help - so could I (on-line).

On the way back to the RV park to pick up Charlotte. I stopped in at Tires Plus in Eustis, FL for an oil change for the Del Sol. I noticed an ad on TV offering an oil change with a synthetic blend oil for just $19.95 + tax and shop consumable fee. Got it done and returned to the park just on time to pick up Charlotte (so I thought).

Ladies were leaving just as I arrived; however, Charlotte was not there. She left a bit earlier and was already back at the RV.

After BLT's for lunch I dropped Charlotte off for the afternoon session at 1 pm. Today the group was working on the crocheted "shopping bag" bags.

The cut up shopping bags are crocheted to make a virtually indestructible bag - Neat!

I returned to the RV to work on the toilet. I used a roll of "Emergency Tape" that I purchased at an RV show a few years back. The tape doesn't appear to be sticky; yet stretch it to it's extreme and wrap it around something (and onto itself) and it seals and will hold in liquid under pressure. I does what was promised and the toilet vacuum valve appears to not be leaking. The emergency repair should hold for a little while until I can locate a replacement part.

I finished  the repair just in time to pick up Charlotte at 3 pm. We decided to go to Camping World to check for a new vacuum valve. Deja Vu - we were here just the other day - too bad the toilet wasn't leaking then - it would have saved us a trip. I also checked to see if I could find a repair part for folding door in the rear of the motorhome. A small plastic "T" that suspends the door from the guide channel snapped. I "lucked out" on the toilet part - not so on the door part.

Deja Vu - Part 2 - back at Jo-Ann Fabrics again. Charlotte needed some more material for a project. While Charlotte picked up the material I crossed the road and filled the car at Sam's Club ($3.29 per gallon).

I crossed the road to pick up Charlotte; then we crossed the road for the 3rd time to go to Home Depot (next to Sam's Club). No luck on finding the folding door "T" here either.

OK! In a moment of weakness, we secumbed! We crossed the road again and went to Outbacks for supper. We realized we had not gone out for our traditional "Arrival Steak Dinner" yet. On arriving at our destination, it has always been a tradition to go out for a Steak Dinner.

Question: How do you know you're at a restaurant in "The Villages". The sign at the restaurant (red and white sign - bottom right) indicates that parking w/Chargers for Golf Carts is available in the rear.

I could not believe the size of Charlotte's Blue Cheese and Pecan Salad - it filled a large plate! BTW the 12 oz. filets - medium rare - were excellent.

We headed home, the back way, through Weirsdale, FL.

Our last stop was a Publix for a few grocery items - including a favourite from the bakery: Key Lime Pie. We are too stuffed from Outbacks to have a slice tonight; but, there is still tomorrow!

Deja Vu 3 - Another cold spell will hit tonight with temps that will feel like 32F with the windchill factored in.
Sounds like a "3 Dog Night". (It's an old term that refers to a cold night. The idea is that you'd need 3 dogs to sleep with to stay warm. Some say it originated with the Eskimos; but there is some dispute as others say it originated with the Australian Aborigines. A 3rd origin was that it came into being in the era before central heating when a cold night meant one needed to huddle with 3 dogs to keep warm.) No matter what - for Florida - it will be cold!