Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wed - Feb 22/12

Today was another "No Activity - No Picture Day".

Charlotte went for a walk in the morning and found that the pool was closed for the day. I think the chlorinator must have malfunctioned. The pool was a bit green. There was a pool service company there tending to the problem.

We had planned on going swimming.

Charlotte went for another walk after lunch to check on the pool but it was still closed. Some folks were on the lounge chairs around the pool and others where using the hot tub but the main pool was still closed. Hopefully it will be good to go by tomorrow.

We had talked about going for a ride to the Olive Mill or Tortilla Flats, AZ or maybe a Movie. None of that happened either. We just decided to be lazy.

I worked on streamlining the computer program I am writing for planning our RV Travels. Charlotte did a little more quilting.

The phone was busy in the early evening with calls from Charlotte's sister and one of our daughters. Nice to hear from them.

Late in the evening I got a bit of good news. I received an email from our doctor who had written the Sheriff on my behalf. He received a letter from the judge and I have been excused from Jury Duty. After all, we are here because he insisted we "Go South for our Health!". Hopefully we will have no other incidents that will bring up the spectre of having to travel home prematurely. Two is enough!

We are looking forward to being a little more active tomorrow.

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