Saturday, February 04, 2012

Sat - Feb 4/12

We talked to our neighbours from Buckhorn, ON (Peterborough area) and met their German Shepard "Max" (same name as one of our cats).

Then we were off to the Mesa Swap meet today to pick up a few loaves of bread and a couple of cakes. We left late morning as their shelves are almost empty by mid-afternoon. We made their stall our first stop just to be safe and were in luck. We scored 1 loaf of Apple Cinammon Bread; 1 Cinammon Raisin Bread, 1 Carrot Cake and 1 German Chocolate Cake - all for $10.

We then went to the last row (of 4) in the Swap Meet Marketplace and began our 2 km walk back to the car through each of the rows. Each of the indoor double sided rows of vendors is about a 1/2 km long. The walking was a little slower today. I think more folks than usual came today due to the Super Bowl tomorrow. Our only other purchase was a Golf Shirt ($5.00) pour moi.

Time for Din-Din Morris (old cat food commercial line). We stopped at "Streets of New York" on the way back to the RV. It is in the mall complex just off the intersection of Baseline and Signal Butte a block east of the Swap Meet.

The food was great. Charlotte had  #11 The (new) Pesto Chicken Bacon Club which was a breaded chicken breast, Canadian bacon, melted provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion and pesto mayo served on a fresh baked sub roll. I had #5 The Italian Stallion which consisted of a 3/4 pound Italian Sausage link smothered in Marinara Sauce with Mozzarella Cheese and topped with grilled onions, mushrooms and green peppers and seasoned with their special spice blend. Good food and service for a reasonable price.

There was "Good News" and "Bad News" about the food. The "Bad News" was also the "Good News" - too much to eat all at one sitting so it will be supper....mmmm x 2.

Enjoyed the weather and the ride back to the park. Checked the mail and refilled our 2 gallon water container at the water dispenser ($0.25 a gallon). Charlotte sat outside for a while then came inside to work at making more quilt squares. She had an afternoon nap so as not to become overtired. I caught up on emails and paid a few bills on-line then warmed up the #5 and #11. The remainder of the Streets of New York lunch was just as good as the first round.

Many of the TV stations run infomercials or repeat several episodes of past TV series throughout the day. This is especially true on the weekend. We dug into the almost 700 DVD's I brought with us - just in case.

A quite evening in the RV watching movies to round off another good day in AZ.

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