Friday, February 03, 2012

Fri - Feb 2/12

We were both tired yesterday. We slept in until 9 a.m. today.

After breakfast I continued finalizing the information for the health insurance and Charlotte worked on her quilt squares.

We left just after noon for Gourd Festival at the Pinal County Fairgrounds about an hour (50 miles) South East of  Canyon Vistas. This is our third year visiting the Festival.

The line to get into the display building containing the Juried Gourds is continually (all day) about 100 people deep. It moves slowly, but like Disney World, continuously. The judged gourds are grouped by category and placed on tables, with their ribbons, around the perimeter of the display building.

The "Master" rated gourds are grouped in the center as are the "Grand Master" gourds.

The gourds are decorated in every imaginable way. They are sculpted, painted, cut, etched, burnt (like wood-burning) and decorated. The creativity is exceptional. We particularly like the creations that utilize the shape of the gourd like the penguins in the picture. They are actual gourd shapes that are painted. We like when the artist "sees" something in the gourds shape then brings it to fruition.

Other gourds use the basic shape to house a diorama made from carved gourd pieces.

Some where illuminated (lamps or nightlights), others were carved or pierced to make a vase or bowl shape, while still others were simply painted.

Of course, another great feature of country fairs is the food. We both had great Philly Steak sandwiches and a huge basket of french fries. We shared a picnic table with folks from Oregon and Ontario (Ottawa). There was a live Blue Grass group performing on the nearby stage as well as a Mariachi Band roaming through the park and the display buildings.

We then toured the exhibitor's building. This is just as interesting as the Juried Show with the bonus of being able to buy the gourds. Here exhibitors also sell everything needed to be a gourd artist or "Patch" (Club) member. Everything needed to cut, pierce, grind, shape, etch, burn, glue, paint and decorate a gourd is sold at one both or another. Of course, they also sell gourds of every size and shape imaginable.

After a few hours of enjoying the unusual, unique and creative we headed back to Canyon Vistas. Sunny and clear and a little cooler but still a nice convertible driving day. A quick stop at Basha's (across from the RV park entrance) for a few items we forgot to pick up when grocery shopping the other day. We were back at the RV by 5 p.m.

Charlotte worked for a bit on her quilting squares while I did the blog for yesterday and today. The Philly Steak sandwiches were so filling it was a Ritz (cracker) snack supper (Cream Cheese and Jam) and the usual TV session before bed.

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