Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tue - Feb 14/12

Woke up this morning to the sound of rain on the RV Roof. Even "Big Storms" here are render little rain. A little more than 1/10th of an inch registered in Gold Canyon, AZ. The airport, Sky Harbor, in Phoenix still has had no measurable rain this year. My sympathies to all the folks in Florida and the RGV (Rio Grande Valley) in Texas for their large amount of rainfall this year. The drive to Arizona is well worth the extra time and expense!

The early morning rain soon cleared up and things were back to dry with a few one or two minute showers throughout the day. The road looks like a heavy rain but because the desert landscape is rock hard with little ability to absorb the rain quickly runs off to the roads and any low spots.

A good day to relax. A trip to the recycling also had us returning with another shipment of "Feet" for Charlotte's new sewing machine. This shipment added another yard (3 "feet" - grin) to the supply.

The evening was reserved for "Elvis". Danny Vernon was the "Illusion of Elvis" during the hour and forty minute high energy show. Recently endorsed and voted top 10 in the world by Elvis Presley Enterprises, Danny was also voted and judged by Elvis' own inner circle of friends as the best young Elvis. Judges inlcuded were Charlie Hodge (Elvis'close friend), Sonny West (life long bodyguard), Estelle Brown (Sweet Inspirations), and the late Mr.Al 'Elvis has left the building' Dvorin.

As with most Elvis Impersonators he dresses and mimics the mannerisms and moves of Elvis. The added bonus of looking similar and sounding so much like Elvis adds to the "Illusion of Elvis. The environment created by having the show in a small venue makes it a really personal experience. The rapport of Danny and Marcia with the audience added to the enjoyment. Elvis made several forays into the audience throught the show bestowing Teddy Bears (after singing of "Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear") as well as several scarves of different colours that were accompanied by the obligatory kiss on the cheek.

After the first few songs his voice transcended the gap from illusion to reality and everyone just enjoyed the excellence of his powerful performance especially when he sang Elvis Presley's "An American Trilogy" which is an amalgam of "Dixie"(1), Battle Hymn of the Republic"(2) and "All My Trials' Lord"(3) at the end of the show.

"An American Trilogy"

Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old things they are not forgotten
Look away, look away, look away Dixieland
Oh I wish I was in Dixie, away, away
In Dixieland I take my stand to live and die in Dixie
Cause Dixieland, that's where I was born
Early Lord one frosty morning
Look away, look away, look away Dixieland
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory hallelujah
His truth is marching on
So hush little baby
Don't you cry
You know your daddy's bound to die
But all my trials, Lord will soon be over

The song included a "Marching" of the American Flag by Marcia at the beginning and ended with a displaying of the "American Eagle" emblazoned on the back of "Elvis's Cape".

The evening ended with the audience being served Root Beer Floats in souvenir  "Happy Valentine's Day 2012 " glasses that showed two "Love Birds" (white doves) intertwined with hearts.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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