Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tue - Feb 21/12

Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) - Yeah!

We started by joining our neighbours (and Max the dog) on the edge of the road as we waited for the park Mardi Gras Parade. We chatted for about a half hour.

Change of plans (seating). We heard the parade coming from behind where we were sitting. The parade changed the advertised route and turned on 5th Street instead so we picked up our chairs and moved to the corner (near the tree) to view the procession.

We got there in time to see the Jester leading the group.

Cars, trucks, ATV's  and golf carts were decorated in a variety of ways. The Parade even included a foreign visitor. A Purple Chinese Dragon joined in the fun.

There was music from car audios as well as live.

There was an antique car as well.

Not to be outdone - the "Red Hat" Ladies turned out - they are always brightly dressed. We even caught some beads. No - we didn't have to "earn them" by "Flashing" as is the "Big Easy" (New Orleans) tradition.
After the parade passed we got in the car. Being at the front of the park we were able to beat them back to the Ball Room where we waited for their arrival.

We had bought tickets for the "Rajun Cajun" lunch which consisted of sausage, grilled chicken, jambalya, green beans, salad, and fresh fruit. We had an enjoyable time talking with the folks that shared our table. It was nice to touch base with "John" who had a heart attack last year. He is doing fine and now sports a few new tattoos. One is a med alert on his arm. He was lucky last year that his wife travelled with him to the hospital and was able to warn them. They were going to sedate him for an emergency operation. He is allergic to being sedated and would have had a 50% chance of ending up in a vegetative state.The tattoo on his chest now states this fact.

During the meal one of the guests received a "Seat Cushion" (Underwear). It had a zipper and a pocket in front that contained a bandaid in case they zipped to quickly. It had two rear pockets that had emergency T.P. and a cork on a string for emergency use (Diarrhea). A whistle was attached to a string to call for help in case either of the emergencies occurred. A most unusual gift - to say the least.

The hall was well decorated as are all events. They have a huge room full of "event" materials attached to the ballroom for this purpose.

After the meal we easily exited the park as compared to weekends when the Renaissance Festival is in full swing. We went to Apache Junction, AZ to mail a package to our grandson back home for St. Patrick's Day. Hopefully, it will arrive on time. Things are notoriously slow when mailed to and from this area of the USA.

Then it was grocery shopping at Basha's across the road from our park. |I purchased a soft drink at the machine outside the store. I let them know when I went in that the machine just kept dropping drink cans into the pick-up tray.

Our "Store Card" saved us almost "$50  or almost 50% on our grocery purchases.

We zipped back to the park. Charlotte read her "Woman's World" in the lounge chair outside. I also enjoyed the outside in a lounge chair on the opposite side of the RV. It was time to dump the "Black Water" as the sewage tank was almost full.

Charlotte had chicken sandwiches for supper while I enjoy a repeated of Chips & Dip while we watched TV. Another CBS evening of NCIS, NCIS Los Angeles and Unforgettable rounded out the day.

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