Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Wed - Feb 1/12

See Tuesday!

Actually today was very similar to yesterday.

To my surprise we got a call saying the sewing machine we brought in to Mulqueen's Sewing Center yesterday was ready!

After dinner in the RV we left to pick up the sewing machine. We spent an hour trying to find material for Charlotte's quilt project. We finally found what we wanted but the remaining material on the bolt was a yard shorter than we asked for. We took it because it was such a good match. Charlotte may have to piece a section - it will be close.

We returned the same way - along Southern Avenue. Ironically, like Las Vegas, street names can cause confusion. In Las Vegas, NV Eastern Avenue runs North - South. Here Southern Avenue runs East - West. Go figure.

We made pizza for supper. Our favourite is Red Baron French Bread frozen pizza to which we had additional Hormel (original) pepperoni, green pepper, onion, bacon and more Mozzarella cheese. Three minutes in the microwave and we have supper.

Reverse sunset tonight. Usually the sky is a riot of reds at sunset. Tonight, being a cloudy day, we had a vermillion cloud layer followed by a clear blue sunset sky.

We decided to pass on the dance this evening. Charlotte is getting back to normal and I thought TV and rest tonight would be beneficial.

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