Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thu - Feb 16/12

Another busy day.

First stop this morning was Guest Services to confirmed yesterdays requests.

We do have confirmed  reservations for next year - Jan 1/2013 - Apr 1/2013 - hopefully we will also get our lot (#217). Our request to remain on our present lot (#190) and not to have to move at the end of the month to another lot was also granted.

Our first outside the park stop was the Post Office in Apache Junction, AZ to mail prescription receipts to our Health Insurer back in Canada. That achieved, we headed to our next destination. Charlotte thought we were going to Hobby Lobby; however, my intentions were to surprise her with breakfast at the IHOP (International House of Pancakes) in the same parking lot. After a great breakfast she did get go to Hobby Lobby to purchase quilters thread she required to finish a project.

We then continued on to the "Country Market" at Valle del Oro (a sister Cal-Am RV park).  As well as the usual inside (Main Hall) exhibitors there were even more (than usual) outside. We picked up fresh veggies (asparagus) and bag of huge (larger than softball sized) oranges. We also each purchased an additional pair of our favourite type of clip-on sunglasses. They are spring loaded and hold onto the side of the glass frames rather than "clipping" onto the glass portion like most other styles.

Inside the hall there were many jewellery booths. At the very last booth Charlotte found what she was looking for - a tiny pair of shoes (charms) that she will send back to our grandson (via his mom) in Canada. He will be looking for evidence of "leprechauns" visiting when St. Patrick's Day approaches. Their will also We also included little green "Top Hats" and "Gold Coins" in the box for him to find as well.

After leaving the Country Market we pulled in to the corner AM/PM store to gas up. Again, I believe we found a station that fit my: "a scheduled delivery is coming soon and we need more room in the tanks" theory of gas prices. This station was 10 cents less (at $3.48) than any other station I had seen so far today. Gas prices are continuing upward at about a dime a week since we arrived. Predictions of a $5.00 gallon by summer look entirely possible. That means about $6.00 for the equivalent volume of gas back in Canada - shudder!!!"

Another stop just across the road at Lowe's so Charlotte could purchase extra wide masking tape required to position her quilt for final assembly. While waiting I received a call from our doctor in Canada. He indicated that he will send a letter to the Sheriff on my behalf requesting exemption from Jury Duty. I hope it is successful. There seems to be a conspiracy to make us return home. First, Charlotte's medical incident and then the Summons for Court Duty?

Nice to be able to take the top off the Del Sol (Honda) and enjoy the sunshine again. We stayed off the "Big Road" (US-60) so we could drive slowly and prolong the pleasure. Wow! Quite a difference compared to I-40 that was closed due to nearly a foot of snow and black ice in the "High Country".  It was the freezing rain rather than the snow that closed a 50 mile section near Seligman stranding thousands throughout the night (15 hours). It did not re-opened until late morning. It is hard to believe the difference in the weather considering that I-40 is a mere 120 miles north of the Phoenix area.

Our final stop was Chase (Bank) across the road from the RV Park. I had to replenish our supply of U.S. 20 dollar bills. At the same time I thought I would check to see if it was possible to get a bank card. At times our Canadian Credit cards will not work (like gas pumps) because entering the postal code  associated with the credit card is required. The 6 digit  Canadian combination of with entering only the digits (in order) of our Canadian Code  followed by two zeros. Most of the time it does not work. At other times we cannot order from U.S. Internet sites that have Canadian sites as they require an American credit card even to ship to us while in Arizona. Canadian credit cards are only allowed on the Canadian site which will only ship to Canada.

After dotting the i's and crossing the t's we opened a chequeing (oops - checking - no Queen's English here) account. We should receive our combo debit/credit cards in the next week or so. This card will act like a credit card when the "Credit Card" option is selected except that instead of using credit it will withdraw money is directly from our checking account - no PIN entry required. Mmmm - I might now be able to get that pay-as-you -go DISH satellite system yet?

They usual RV evening. We did not get tickets for tonight's Kenny Hess Show in the Main Ballroom as we had seen his performance last year. It was the usual "Supper and TV" night.

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