Saturday, February 11, 2017

Sat – 11 Feb/17
Another clear blue dry 80F day.
We slept in and then stayed in bed while watching the usual TV programs.  I wish “Innovation Nation” was an hour and a half long like CBS Sunday Morning.
Lunch today was courtesy of the tickets for the "Sweetheart Tea" Charlotte won at the Canada Day event on Thursday. 

It was being held at (and as a fund raiser) for the Umatilla library less than a mile from OMS. It started at 11:30 a.m. We arrive on time which meant everyone else was already there. We had the pleasure of sitting with another couple who also won tickets at the Canada Day event.
The tea Charlotte chose was Bigelow. This was appropriate as this brand is grown on the only North American Tea Plantation (Bigelow) that we enjoyed visiting when we stayed (in a previous year) for a week at Charleston, SC.

Other than the piano player and the other (Canada Day) husband at our table all were women. Most where wearing hats, as appropriate, for such a (semi) formal event.

The table settings and teapots were also fittingly fancy. The many styles and flavours of croissant sandwiches, quiches, and desserts were all excellent. The offering of refills were plentiful.  There was just too much!
After the delightful Tea with my Sweetheart (grin) we returned to the motorhome (by 1 p.m.) to watch TV and relax until supper in the Rec Hall.
On the way Charlotte stopped to talk to Kathy Lee about a craft pattern. Nice Job.

Tonight we will be at the first (5-5:30 p.m.) sitting for the Umatilla Volunteer Fire Department Spaghetti Supper.
This annual event is extremely well attended and raises several thousands of dollars($5,830 last year) for the UVFD.
This was Stuffing #2 for today.  (Probably won’t have breakfast tomorrow either)
It was just a “Channel Surfing” TV evening (which is always more difficult on the weekend) to end the day.


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