Thursday, February 09, 2017

Thu – 9 Feb/17
There were a few showers throughout the night; however all was dry when we woke up. Low 80’s F today with less humidity.
We set the alarm for 7 a.m. as usual for a Craft Morning; but we decided not to go this morning. Canada Day, a regular event at OMS is being held today.  Because of this, craft time would have to be shortened significantly. We just decided to be lazy again today.
Unlike previous years, Canada Day will not be held at the Rec Hall. We will be going to Moss Gate, a B & B in Umatilla, FL. It is only a little more than a mile from the park.

The entrance to the location resembles a “Plantation”; however in this area of Florida, it is the home to a “Grove House.” This area was largely orange groves in the last century. Today, most of the groves have given way to housing developments. OMS (Olde Mill Stream RV Resort) itself is located on land that once was an orange grove.
Actually, Umatilla was the area first picked by Walt Disney for Disney World and Epcot. Unfortunately, even though the land purchases were done secretly (to avoid driving up prices on speculation) Disney could not accumulate enough local property for the project and, as they say, the rest is history. His appreciation for the area continued. Walt and his wife were buried locally.

Less than half of the “Canucks” staying at the OMS took part in the event this year. Over a hundred were present last year. I suspect that the increased cost and “out of park” location may have had some influence on the turnout.
We thoroughly enjoyed having Canada Day held at Moss Gate. Most of those attending were from Ontario with a few being from New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. Our table sat 6. One couple was from the Saskatoon, SK area and the other lived in the GTA (Great Toronto Area) in Ontario. Making new acquaintances at the park events is really what makes them so enjoyable.  Actually, a few years ago we had the pleasure of sharing a table with the couple from the GTA. It was nice reacquainting.
The food, catered by Moss Gate, was excellent. Laura, the proprietor, is not only an excellent chef; but a terrific hostess as well. We were not only treated to a history of the “Grove”; but given a tour of the wonderfully eclectic property.

Two of the Moss Gate felines were as friendly as their owner. Everyone enjoyed their wanderings during the festivities.
The organizers of the event are to be commended for their excellent effort. Everyone received a “Brain Teaser” sheet and all had fun trying to solve the puzzles. Their effort in obtaining "donated" prizes (from local businesses) for “The Draw” was appreciated.
Charlotte and I won three items: tickets for a (Valentine's) Sweetheart Tea;
an apron and a mug and a lovely Yule Log candle (3) holder.
The tour of the property was quite interesting. There is a "Labyrinth" that takes about 20 minutes to walk; 
a fountain in the yard;
a large, screened patio;
an even a small chapel.
A lovely area at the back of the house near the water is used for guest parking.
I parked in the shade.
Having "Canada Day" at an alternative venue was actually quite enjoyable. Kudos to the organizers for "a job well done."

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