Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tue - 28 Feb/17

We decided to relax today. The weather is okay; however it will be getting warmer. The next few days may be close to record highs. Charlotte worked late last night hand stitching the binding on her cat quilt. Her rest has been well earned. We won't be going to the Craft Room or The Lodge today.

I made a huge pot of spaghetti meat sauce so we won't have to do much cooking for lunch for the next few days. It was yummy!

Charlotte relaxed doing craft "Odds and Ends" today.

Only a few more stitches to complete the Cat Quilt. It will look great in the Sewing Room at home.

I continued refining my FileDrawer Program. it now incorporates several of my other programs including those that list our collections such as Audible Audio Books, Movies, Boyd's Bears, Recipes and my Sudoku Program.

Just a TV Evening. Trump is on for an hour and a half. We will probably TV surf - I don't know if I can take that much "Fake News".

We will try to stay awake for The Late Show - Stephen Colbert should be hilarious after an hour and a half of material from Trump and his minions.

We should be able to sleep well if we can just stop laughing.

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