Saturday, February 25, 2017

Sat - 25 Feb/17

Really a dull beginning to the day. Not raining - just clouds.

Charlotte worked on her "Chicken Scratch" (aka Amish Embroidery/Snowflake Embroidery/Depression Lace/Gingham Lace - to name a few) kit she purchased at the Quilt Show yesterday. Amish Embroidery is believed to have originated in the U.S. in the 1930's. It was a way of creating a lace like appearance on cheap gingham using a combination of 3 basic stitches: Running Stitch, Cross Stitch and Double Cross Stitch. Hence the name "Depression Lace".

Now that the rain has passed on I resumed arranging the outside storage compartments and finally moved the items to them from the kitchen area where they were for the past few days..

I may be able to squeeze in a few more items; but the compartments are now pretty well full.

The weather completely cleared in the early afternoon so we decided to enjoy it by going out for an early supper. We enjoyed the clear blue skies and sunshine as we drove to Eaton Beach (again) with the top off and the windows down.

The weather was much better than our last visit. Both the parking lots and the beach were packed.

Today our eatery choice was downstairs (The Steam Shack).

Charlotte ordered "Jonah Crab Claws " (1 Full Pound - Steaming Hot). I decided on the Muffalatta: a New Orleans Classic of Ham/Capicola/Salami/Mortadella/Smoked Mozzarela/Olive Salad on Ciabatta Bread.

I'm going to go "out on a limb" and say Charlotte enjoyed her selection!(grin).

By the time we left (a few minutes before 5 pm) it was really getting crowded. Shuttles were bringing in the customers from the overflow parking lot quarter mile down the road. Hey! It wasn't "5 O'clock Somewhere" - It was 5 O'clock Here! (another grin).

We enjoyed the return trip back to the motorhome; however all that sunshine took it's toll. Charlotte had a well deserved "Nap" (after a busy week).

We decided to pass tonight on the Country Dance w/Johnny Ray at 7 p.m. in the Rec Hall. A few dozen folks were already walking by the motorhome at 6:15. They were just following Bill's Rules #23: At an RV Park Event; being there a half hour early means you are already 15 minutes late.

It will just be a "Channel Surfing" evening.

The clear sky and incoming "Cold Front" will drop the temps tonight to the mid-40's F. It will only get up to the low 70's tomorrow. (That's what they call a "Cold Spell" down here - grin).

TTFN (Ta-Ta For Now).

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